17. In all seriousness

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Soon the young Kings eyes fell shut. Exhaustion had overcome him. He hadn't slept in two days.

The two woman bandaged Emerics leg once, but the bleeding wouldn't stop, so they undid it and bandaged him again.

"Your highness...," Mary began, as she turned tired.

Their eyes locked. "I've always been loyal to you, but I feel like I no longer know you."

Alice let her head sink. For a normal servant to talk to the princess like this was unheard off but Mary wasn't just a maid. She spoke to Alice as a friend.

Alice opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it again as she turned her head lightly to look at Theodore.

It probably wouldn't please her bonded if Mary knew of his identity, but the fact that he wasn't wearing his helmet, told her that Emeric knew. She looked up at Emeric, as he looked down at her.

He couldn't help the princess with the decision of telling her friend.

Mary sighed. The princess wasn't the same as when she'd left. She tried to see good in her change but she wasn't  being honest with her, even now.

"Mary, I'm sorry for all of the secrets and the lies." Alice began.

Mary turned sadder thinking that her princess was only going to think of an excuse once more.

"You were one of the few people who were told about who my mate really is, and about where I went."

Mary nodded, placing the leftover bandage on the floor. She couldn't even look at Alice as her eyes welled up with tears. She missed the Alice that would tell her everything. She was like a sister to her before and now she seemed like a stranger.

"He's here." Alice whispered not wanting to wake the King.

Mary's eyes shot up. She knew what she meant. Her eyes traveled to Emeric, who threw up his hands shaking his head, before gesturing towards the sleeping man on the princesses bedside.

Mary's eyes quickly travelled to Theodore who was dozing off.

"The King?" Mary whispered, searching Alice's eyes for the answer. Alice nodded.

"I didn't know for a while either." She said rolling her eyes subconsciously.

"How romantic." Mary gushed holding her face with both hands.

"Wait so who knows?" She asked.

"The four of us, I guess." Alice looked at Emeric who reassured her with a nod.

"I didn't know until our fight either." He added.

Alice took her friends hand once more. "This Information is dangerous. Who knows what my parents would do if they found out. I doubt many people know back in Walzenore either."

Mary nodded hectically, before swearing not to tell another soul.

"I was trying to keep you away from all of this." Alice whispered, as her friend gripped her hand a little tighter.

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