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Cutter's P.O.V-

I flew up a little, hoping to find Aggro with my super vison. I felt guilt in my chest, I mean I ignored her because I thought she liked Dash, who thinks she likes me and Aggro thought I hated her. The more I think about it the more messed up it all was. If only I talked to her and explained. I just kept thinking about if I talked to her then maybe.. maybe none of this would have happened, I wouldn't be thinking about if she would ever forgive me. Whenever I thought about ditching this stuipid idea of ignoring her I always thought it was to late but... It never really was. I guess it never was to late and I should never think like that... That's not how anyone should think. It kinda made me think about Voilet, how she kept thinking it's to late for her to change her ways and that her and Winger could never be, that they were to different, that they weren't compatible. No one should ever have to think that though, If you really love someone enough you can make it happen and that's what I'm gonna do with Aggro. If she's still to hurt then I'll wait for her, as long as it takes.

I flew through the air, the air beneath my wings feels so familar... I sigh as I kept flying over the ocean, not seeing a sign of her. Suddenly something red caught my eyes. I immediately fly over to get a closer look. I see that it isn't the hothead Fire fury that I was looking for but Elbone on his boat, waving a red flag to me. I land on his ship wondering what was going on now.

"Cutter! I'm glad I caught you. I was heading back to Huttsgalor to tell you guys- you know you and the Rescue Riders. I saw you and thought- Hey he can just give the message for me!" Elbone said enthusiastically.

"Get on with it." I say with a rasied eyebrow hoping that even though he couldn't understand me, I would still get my point across. I really needed to find Aggro and didn't have time for an Elbone mishap.

He seemed to understand and said, "Ok so while I was fishing and may have been brainstorming businesses ideas, at one of the islands that have SO many fish. And.. I saw a wild dragon. It didn't attack me or anything just.. stared for a mintiente before running off. Usually that's what happens when I see wild dragons- they just run off but this one stared at me for a while before leaving and looked really familiar. After a bit of pondering, she looked exactly like Voilet. The dragon that stayed at Huttsaglor for a couple weeks. I thought... that maybe I should tell you because.. you might be looking for her?" He said the last part unsure but.. hopeful.

When he said the brainstorming part.. I'm not gonna lie my thoughts were, You acculy have to have a brain to brainstorm. Though my eyes widened and became more serious when I heard that he found Voilet. At the last part.. I was confused. Why did he want her to come back? I thought the villigers didn't really like her because.. Well she wasn't as tame as us, she more skittish and wild. She didn't like the humans, It didn't seem like she had a personal grudge but was just cautious like she didn't like them touching her or she didn't like being crowded by them. What people don't notice about me is that I'm actually very observant. I always noticed these things about her that made her different and unique. That's probably another reason why Winger likes or maybe even loves her is because how different and mysterious she is. Winger is always good and basically perfect at everything he does, it only makes since he wants things or more specifically someone he can't have or at least that's what he thinks.

Elbone actually has been getting good at telling what we (the dragons) were thinking just because him being around us alot and can tell what the tone of the roar it is. Like if we were happy, sad or mad. He still can't tell exactly what were saying and probably will never actually be able to understand us perfectly but he now knows our personality well and can sometimes tell what were trying to say by our facial expressions. Like now he seemed to understand that I was confused as to why he would want her back.

"Well... Sometimes she would come to the docks and just stare out into the vast ocean. She didn't even notice me at first but eventually she just started to watch me fish and even help sometimes. I started parking at the end of the dock since I knew she wasn't a big fan of crowds and there usually no one over there. After awhile I would start to talk to her, it was mostly one sided but she was a really good listener. One time I asked her to talk about what was going on with her since all we do is talk about me and she actually started roaring and even though I couldn't understand her I still listened and commented about something even though I probably just said random stuff when I commented because I had to guess what she was saying though she didn't seem to mind. When you guys said she was just gone- you know left to go back home or whatever I was glad but when I saw her she was alone. Not with her family and to be honest I don't really think she has a family. Even though I couldn't understand her when she talked I kinda knew what she felt in a way about stuff. Well it's hard to understand but.. I don't know.. it confusing like-"

I cut him off knowing he probably wouldn't be able it explain it though I already knew what he was talking about.

"It's like you became so close to each other you can read each other minds." I said. I guess in a way I didn't know what he was talking about since I never experienced that bond with another human but I've been around Winger and Dak, Summer and Leyla that I know that if a dragon and human have a very special bond they can practically become one. There are some old legends that I heard as a young hatching but I don't remeber them that much. Like most of the hatchings in my flock I thought the stories were just old legends that weren't true.

Even though Elbone didn't understand exactly what I said he seemed to get the just of it and nodded his head then added, "So are you gonna tell them?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah I will."

I flew up into the air without another word. I would tell the others soon but Voilet isn't going anywhere. I can't wast anymore time to tell Aggro how I feel. I can't keep letting her slip through my fingers, and avoiding it and that's excactly what I'm gonna say about Voilet to Winger. He can't waist anymore time and nether can I.


The story is finally starting to come togther! I know I technically didn't say that Voilet hanged out with Elbone earlier but it kinda happened in-between chapters and I didn't want to write out every single time she went and visited Elbone. I didn't mention it in Voilet's POVs because then I knew everyone would just be confused if she just randomly thought, "After talking to Elbone I went back to the Rescue Riders" or whatever made since. It would have been confusing. Anyway Vote and Comment! Byeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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