You deserve better

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Cover: MART
Song: Someone to you
Btw this song doesn't contain any cussing or inappropriate things.
Italic- Singing
I'll tell you when to start the song.
3rd person P.O.V-

Winger slowly lifted his head from his slumber. He knew he didn't wake up naturally so why'd he wake up? He looked up and saw the other Rescue Riders lifting there heads looking at each other confused, well almost everyone. Burple was still sleeping.

"Do.. do you guys hear that sound?" Cutter asked.

"It's like a humming sound.." Dash said.

"Ugh Burple tell your stomachs to sleep." Aggro groaned and rolled over, she was not a morning person.

Burple opened his eyes sleeply to the sound of his name and said, "It's not my stomachs."

"Guys listen closely, It's sounds like someone is singing outside." Summer observed.

"Yeah, your right." Cutter said.

"Mabey Leyla?" Aggro said now getting up, starting to get curious about who was making that sound.

"What about me?" Everyone hears Leyla say. They all snap there heads to the trapdoor, where Leyla and Dak were climbing down.

"Who do you think is out there?" Dak asked with a rasied eyebrow. Dak was a little excicted, nothing like a mystery in the morning but then again he was confused, who could be out there? Everyone was in here right? Then it hit him but before he could say anything Summer beat him to it.

"Where's Voilet?" Summer asked. They all looked around but saw that she wasn't the sleep cave.

Winger's P.O.V-

As soon as Summer said her name memories flooded my mind.

After me and Voilet landed at the Roost everyone was there with smiles obviously thinking that we were togther or something. Voilet went into the sleep cave as soon as we landed probably to avoid confrontation with the others.. and me. I couldn't keep up a smile with them and just looked at them with a frown. They were in front of me now, there expressions changing seeing my face.

"What happened?" Summer asked.

"I..." I sigh and glance away. How can I tell Summer- my best friend, who encourage me to tell her, who helped me even though I was so scared to tell her. She did her best to help me and I failed. I failed at not being good enough for Voilet. I glanced away, not being able to look at them.

"You didn't tell her?" Dak asked.

"No! I-I did but.. she didn't say it back." I say the last part quietly but they still heard.

"Oh.. Winger I'm sorry.. I really thought that..." Summer said trailing off at the end.

I put on a fake happy smile and said, "Don't apologize, your good, I'm good everything's.."

"Good?" Cutter asked with a rasied eyebrow not looking impressed.

"Great!" I say with and awkward chuckle and glance away. Though me being really awkward and heartbroken I continue talking, "Yeah.. well it's late and I'm tried so I'll see you in the sleep cave... yeah." I say and go around them. When I was around the little group they formed in front of me I let my tail sag and my 'smile' go back to a frown. Since I wasn't facing them anymore why would I? I walk in the sleep with the other dragons close behind me. I'm gussing the twins went up to there rooms.

I sigh and lay down. I let my eyes slowly shut, drifting off into sleep.

Going back to reality we slowly creep outside and what I see amazes me. There was Voilet right by the bridge, though by the cliff. The sun was coming up, making a beatiful setting.

Love with Wings  *BOOK TWO*Where stories live. Discover now