Chapter: 45

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"Lo-, what? I think I misheard it over something ridiculous, can you say it again, Dion?"

Rex said keeping his smile, he believed that his ears weren't working properly as he heard a stupid thing coming out from the mouth of his personal Aide.


Dion sighed inwardly, he was telling the Prince about the newly added subject to the Imperial Education ordered by the Emperor himself, though it was considered as an insignificant lesson, who knows that the brilliant Miss Belial unexpectedly failed to pass the test of this subject.

"You were not mistaken, Your Highness. The subject is Love, L-O-V-E, it's LO~VE"

He is spellings the word with a cheeky face, though, when Nine reported this absurd thing, his jaw almost dropped as well as the Prince's reaction right now.

"Nine said, the teaching of this subject is to learn about love and how to build an emotional relationship between the future Emperor and Empress"

It is certainly a bullcrap thought by the doting Emperor who wishes his only son has a happy marriage life just like him.


Rex throws himself on the soft couch, for the second time, today he is feeling a headache caused by his none other than fiancee and father, his logical brain couldn't withstand this nonsense.

"I should've known that Father of mine will arrange something like this when he started to blabber about his flowery marriage life with late Mother"

Again, he massages his temple. As if not enough with a troublemaker fiancee and now he has to deal with a meddlesome love-Cupid Father.

"And who's this fool who accepted Father's dumb request to teach Grizel about this absurd thing called love?"

Dion averted the prince's gaze, seemingly reluctant to answer his question, but still has to.

"It's... The maternal grandmother of Your Highness, Marchioness Béchamour"

Rex facepalmed hearing his grandmother was mentioned here, as someone who raised the lovely late Empress, this Béchamour family have a dreamy concept of love, such as life and death for love or the honorable sacrifice of one's self for love.

That kind of thing would never be accepted by his Villainess Princess, her calculating egocentric character is the exact opposite of his grandmother's belief.

"Did Grizel fail the test because she confronted my Grandmother's teaching?"

Rex asked in anxiety hoping for Dion to say No immediately.

"No, Your Highness. Instead of defying the lessons of love, Miss Belial seems to have no idea about it whatsoever"

He heaved a sigh of relief, Rex thought that Grizel at least knew a little about love then choose to deny that kind of illogical things, but Dion said that she really didn't have any idea about it.

"What do mean, Dion?"

"When Marchioness Béchamour asked her about love, Hhmmm..."

"...Miss Belial just flatly answered that in her perspective, Love is a mental illness"

Dion said in helplessness, who would have expected that Miss Belial's common sense of love will be that low.

"Pfft...Hahahahaha I bet even Grandmother had a hard time reacting to her answer, hadn't she?"

As Rex burst into laughter, Dion just shook his head looking at Miss Belial's fiance who's not a bit better than her in terms of showing affection.

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