Chapter: 3

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Mana core, it's the most fundamental part of the power source in this world called Midgard. The larger and the sturdier the mana core is the stronger it will be.

The mana core will be formed naturally within the human body since the first contact with mana, or in other words, since born. A normal body needs at least 10 years to establish the mana core before going to the final stage called Awakening.

Precisely, the process of channeling the established mana core to the human body, this last stage is like growing an extra limb and will inflict the hellish pain on the process.

Therefore, those who weren't strong enough to endure the process will fail and lost their mana core forever, the mana accumulated within their body will disperse and there is nothing called re-Awakened.

That was the only chance to gain power through the awakening, due to that conditions, there are only 2 types of humans in this world, they are who succeed called Awakener, and those who failed to channel the mana core into their bodies.

Awakener divided into 4 major classes:

Warrior Class
Focus on strength of physical combat.

Wizard Class
Emphasis on magical powers and chants.

Holy Class
Specialists at healing, purification, remove curses or debuffs.

Rogue Class
Master of stealth, speed and dexterity.

Unfortunately, this world consists of 80% of common people who failed the process and only 20% are Awakener.

These people are elite among others, the value of an awakener is equal to 1 brigade consist of 1,000 troops. Most of them are dominated by men or commoners since they have better endurance to survived and success through the awakening process than women, moreover, a fragile noble lady.

Belial Archdukedom territory is also known as the house of Awakeners, there are a lot of people who succeed through the awakening stage in this land, the reason is obviously due to the Forest of Demise, living next to the den of monsters is causing the people in this territory to have more sense of survival and craving for power.

This is why Grizel's parents want a baby boy, they never have the slightest expectations towards her becoming an Awakener.

Little did they know that Grizel has completed 71% of creating her mana core in these 6 months, thanks to Athena her process is way faster than the normal human.

When Grizel asked about mana core, Athena explained everything and give her the recommendation of ancient scripts to build mana core faster, sturdier, and larger than the normal one.

It was a lost ancient method of mana manipulation, she then noticed that Athena is like an unlimited library full of ancient scripts and knowledge, it possesses more historical information about this world than the original novel.

Now Grizel has both, she has Athena as the historical reference and the novel as the future reference, though the plots of the novel will surely change due to her existence as an anomaly, it's still considered as valuable information.

The ancient method used by Grizel is a meditation on manipulating the mana flow through her veins, creating a stable mana core along with strengthening her body, because it needs a full concentration, she has no choice but to meditate every single night when it is the quietest period in her fancy cradle.

'Preparation is completed, you have established your mana core'

A monotone voice suddenly echoed in Grizel's head disturbing the silent night, forcing her to awake from the meditation.

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