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"You can submit your essays that interweaves with the topic 'Literary Persona' tomorrow. That's all for today, you may now proceed to your next class," Professor Renzo dismissed as the bell signifying the end of the second period rang. 

You placed your textbook back inside your bag, along with a few stationeries before finally standing up, preparing to leave the classroom on your own. You noticed that Enki opened his mouth to speak before you sashayed away. You would've stopped, but if what he really wanted to say was important or was in dire need of attention, you were sure he'd try to call for you once more. If not, then you guessed that it was just trivial and you really had no time for those things.

"Ey, Y/n, long time no see," Kane slapped your back as she as she greeted you, causing you to stumble for a bit before regaining your balance once more. "Yeah, if you could call meeting with each other just a day ago 'long'," you air quoted.

"And I see that you're still lifeless as ever. Tell me, bud, have you already decided which club you're joining?" She asked you, but even if she did, you didn't have enough of a concrete answer that'd suit her tastes. "Meh. I don't really think clubs are all that interesting," you replied, with much joviality. Note the sarcasm.


Royal Brix's grading system also involves extracurricular activities. The more that you participate in any of those programs, the higher the percentage that you'll receive a higher than the average mark. So with this stated, many pupils who attend this school join clubs out of a whim since that's the easiest way you could get extra points without even trying.

To summarize it all, your grade is composed of:

30% Written Works

40% Exams ( With the midterm hogging a remarkable amount of 30%)

and lastly, 30% for Nonscholastic activities for a total of 100%

Royal Brix Academy has a lot of clubs established, each of them ascertained to be fitting each and every one of the students' ideals.

They are as follows:

Music Club | Volleyball Club | Basketball Club | Badminton Club | Cooking Club | Interactive Club | Clubs taking after each of the school's core subjects | Journalism Club | and many more...


"Your preference doesn't really matter here. Clubs give you extra credits that'd be added to your grade, so most students here just join one even if they don't want to." The two of you were now striding on the hallways, and it was just so convenient for you that your Music class wasn't that far from the classroom that you were previously in. The less energy that you spend, the better.

"I'll sign myself up whichever club does the least amount of activities," you enounced blithely before grounding yourself while Kane continued to use her legs to walk since you were already facing your lecture room. "Oh well, I'm not surprised with your answer. See you later, my friend!" And thus, she was gone before you knew it. Man, having long legs must be pretty cool... I mean, you could easily get to your destination so quickly without even breaking a sweat.

Shaking that thought away, your hand was about to grab on the doorknob, but someone had already beaten you to it. Your eyes flitted towards the hand's owner, and your heart was ready to stop but once that you remembered that you've already given up this early in the game, you really had nothing to worry about.

"Sorry about that. After you," Kozan opened the door and you entered the quarters that was specifically designed for Music class. There were various instruments that were laid out on the floor systematically, just right exactly where the teacher was so that they could demonstrate how each of them are played. Ah, this school really doesn't kid around. 

For this subject, it was unlike Professor Renzo's wherein seat plans were made for everyone to follow. Here, you could sit just about anywhere and you wouldn't get reprimanded. As long as the whole classroom was silent when the teacher begins doing their job, all is well.

"You know, you're the only one here who I haven't really talked to that much," Kozan sparked the conversation with a beam of his own. You averted your gaze elsewhere and just dryly laughed, 'Because I was lying low around the book's villainous protagonists.'

"How unfortunate," now in front of him, you could feel someone taking ahold of your wrists, though their grip wasn't that tight to the point that you'd feel pain, but rather, just enough that you'd remain in your place.

"Can I sit with you today?" 

Fantastic. Marvelous. Simply stellar. Just why does this whole thing give you the impression that those boys were being thrown at you? Couldn't they just leave you alone, peaceful, alive, and breathing?

"... Why not," you didn't want to come off as someone who was scornful, and surprisingly, even to these people that have a few loose screws. 

Subsequent to that, Miss Chika started teaching everything that was in her module, and of course, the person beside you was listening intently to her discussion? But you? Your head was propped on top of your hand just so your head wouldn't bob and immediately send signals to the teacher that there was a student of hers who would want to do nothing but to just take a breather.

It wasn't your fault that Music didn't pique your curiosity enough for you to like it.

A harsh flick was sent to hour arm and even though it had successfully kept you awake, you couldn't help yourself but feel annoyance. "Whom the fu--"

"Sorry. You were about to doze off and Miss Chika was already keeping her eye on you," Kozan whispered to you though his eyes remained focused on the board. Well what do you know, one of your susceptible murderer was actually troubled for you and even took the initiative to help you not be scolded.


Standing in front of the school's Journalism club, you prepped yourself before you knock and enter. You made sure that your hair was at least kempt and that there weren't any ruffles on your uniform's blazer. Deciding that you were ready to meet the people whom you will spend your time after school with, your knuckled bumped against oak and you proceeded to fully throw the door wide openㅡ

Yukio, Enki, and another whom you recognized as one of the newer characters were in the roomㅡ

Only for it to return back to its shut state.

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