t w e n t y s i x

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Even when the day had reached its peak, the look on Yukio's eyes was still stuck to your mind like a piece of chewed gum would had it been placed on someone's tresses. It seemed as though you just couldn't push the image out of your mind. In addition to what was stated prior, instead of getting used to it, the shivers that it gave you seemed to increase the more you had examined the emotions that were behind those dangerous, yet still appealing, violet set of orbs of his.

It had even bugged you to the point that you didn't notice that you had already bumped into someone and was about to topple to the earth due to the uneven distribution of weight in your body, your eyes still wide open as your mind had failed to process what was about to be your fate.

Until you were halted from falling due to someone grabbing your arm and hauling you closer to them.

"I knew you were a fool, but not this much of an airhead to not be conscious of your surroundings."

Your e/c optics united with Jiryu's, with the latter furrowing his eyebrows at the sight of your melancholic profile. He knew that you were a gal who didn't have moments like this quite often, but what was it that had transpired that evoked this kind of expression on your face?

"You. Come with me." Jiryu commanded you and, well, it was not as if you had a choice in this matter. He was already dragging you toward God knows what, with this scenario reminding you of a dog being guided by their owner with the help of a leash. You weren't a canine by any means, but you surely did feel like one.

"But..." You still had a class to attend, but with the recent matter at hand, would you even be able to direct your focus at your professor's lectures? Absolutely not. 

Jiryu had paused for a bit to hearken to what you had to say. He had glimpsed to where you were at and just saw you shaking your head before looking at him with a simper on your face, the expression on your countenance had now contorted to the one that he had been used to, the one that he had come to like-

"Lead the way."

"So you're getting affianced to Yukio... YOU'RE GOING TO GET ENGAGED WITH THAT SCUMBAG?!" Jiryu had almost- no, he had completely choked on his saliva when you had relayed that horrifying news to him. You two were in the Journalism Club, yes, but damn, he heard all outrageous stories from other people but none had taken the cake 'til yours had reached his auditory organ.

"Yeah. Sucks to be me." You two were on the rooftop, with a key Jiryu had to open the lock that was a barrier to keep anyone from entering (which you weren't that entirely shocked at because duh, this is Jiryu we're talking about.) Leaning on his shoulder as you two took a seat on the ground, with both of your backs backed by a wall, you spilled the beans, though also making sure that you had left out the other... insignificant parts.

He suddenly moved away from you, with you feeling quite startled by his sudden actions. Before you could kiss the cement, he faced you and held both of your shoulders with his hands, his face appearing quite stern as his eyes never left yours. The solemnness of his facial features was something that you had seen for the fir- ah, no. This was the second time. The first one being when you had attempted to commit... not alive.

"Let me help you get out of this situation. I'll get my old man to convince your father to marry me instead."

"To be honest, anyone would be better than Yukio," you sighed before flashing him a smile with only one side of your lips tugged upwards, "Make sure you stay true to your word." You were planning to use Takuma, but with his background still unknown, it'd be hard for him to beat Yukio whose standing was one of the most eminent. But with Jiryu, whose pops was also a duke as well, you might actually have a fighting chance.

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