6. H A L Y C O N

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Halycon (adj.) Calm; peaceful and prosperous


Leah sat in her small room, the room had just one window for ventilation and one small bunk bed with an attached bathroom and a small closet. Her lips were curled up into a cruel smirk, her eyes held nothing but darkness lurking in them, her face was titled upwards towards the ceiling- she looked like a deranged witch. 

Draco's father, the Old Alpha barged in through her door making the door crash with the wall with a loud bang. His eyes held fury, even at the age of 65 the old Alpha still looked like God of Hell with the rage looming in his eyes and the veins popping out of his neck. Leah could feel the terror in her bones at the sight of the furious Alpha. He stalked towards her like a prey and within a second, he had her up against the wall with his fingers around her throat, squeezing the life out of them, 

"You think You have won, you old hag. But believe me, You haven't. This time, you will die." He affirmed, his scowl deepening. 

"You have made a fool out of my son before but remember, You will be punished this time!" He scorned. 

Leah began struggling against his grip as her throat constricted painfully, 

"I-I Did n-o-t do A-a-any-th-i-ing.." She gasped,

The Old Alpha's eyes flared with anger as he threw her body against the closet door,

Leah lied on the ground, with her palm massaging her neck whilst struggling to breath; her eyes were red with tears,

"If you think that I will let you ruin my Grandson' life, then you are wrong.." He said before his claws enlarged and scratched her face causing Leah to let out a blood curdling scream, 

"You will suffer." He whispered darkly before storming out of her room. 

Leah let out a sob, fear coursing her veins for she knew that this time, she will be punished severely. 


Meanwhile, Roxanne and Orion stood before Cassiopeia's unconscious body. Sadness looming in their eyes, 

"You think this will work, My love?" Orion asked as he gazed down at his mate, even with stress lines on her face, she looked beautiful to him. 

"Yes, Grandma said so.." She answered with an emotionless face, 

Orion could sense the apprehension in her voice. 

"Alright then, let us inject it to the saline bottle. " Orion said and took the little pear shaped bottle from her hand and took out the syringe before injecting it to Cassiopeia's saline bottle and just then, within a minute Cassiopeia's body lurched forward, her chest heaving as her nose breathed in large chunks of air, 

"Cass!" Roxanne lunged forward, whilst Orion restricted her from doing so, Cassiopeia was either waking up or dying...

"Cass!" Roxanne lunged forward, whilst Orion restricted her from doing so, Cassiopeia was either waking up or dying

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