Shouldn't Come Back

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"Is everything okay here?" Callie asked as she and Arizona walked into the conference room.

   I sniffed and wiped my eyes, trying to dry my tears, "Do I have to go home with her?"

"," Arizona shook her head but I could tell there was more to that story.

"So she just left?" I doubted that she would just walk away like that. Even though she was really good at doing that my entire life, this seemed different and I couldn't tell why she was so determined to take me back.

   Callie rubbed her hands together, "Not exactly, but she's gone which is all that matters."

   I snorted, "For now. I don't know why she's suddenly obsessed with me."

"Actually Summer, I think we should talk about something," Arizona said and I felt myself immediately tense up.

"You're not sending me back to her are you?" I asked, alarmed.

" of course not," Arizona quickly reassured me and she and Callie took a seat in one of the chairs across from where I was sitting.

   I let out a breath of relief though I was still pretty tense, "So what is it?"

"She left on the condition that we would stay in touch," Callie told me gently, "She wants to meet up with you...maybe organize some sort of visiting schedule."


"Not until you're ready of course though," Arizona added, "We made sure she understood that."

"I don't want to see her," I shook my head stubbornly, "She doesn't get to just walk back in when she's the one who left."

   Callie and Arizona exchanged uneasy glances but I could tell they weren't surprised by my reaction. I didn't talk about my mother to them very much but when I did, I made it very clear how I felt about her.

"Well...that's fine," Arizona said but I could tell it wasn't.

"But the problem is that legally speaking, she does have the right to take you back," Callie told me softly, "The fact that she's agreed to let you even stay with us for now with the condition that she gets to visit is already beyond generous."

"No, it isn't!" I yelled back, "No. It. Isn't. I don't care if any of this legal! She doesn't get to say that she's my mother!"

   Arizona and Callie both looked at each other again before sighing.

"She's right. That woman doesn't just get to show up and decide that she wants Summer back. I mean, there really isn't anything you can do? Can't you fight for legal guardianship or whatever?" Alex asked.

   Even though I didn't show it, I was secretly pleased to know that he agreed with me and was on my side.

"We could..." Callie said slowly, "But I think we should hear her out."

"What's there to hear?" I asked coldly.

   Arizona sighed, "Summer, I know you're mad bu-"

"Mad?" I raised my eyebrows along with my voice, "You think you know how I feel right now? You think mad is the word to describe it?"


   I shook my head and stood up, "I'm not mad! I'm furious! I'm furious and I'm angry and I'm betrayed and I'm ashamed! She...she can't do this!"

"No, you're right Summer," Callie said calmly, a complete opposite to how I was, "We don't understand how you must feel. We have no idea what you're going through."

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