Because of You

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   The moment the dismissal bell rang, I hurried as fast as I could with all things considered to the parking lot.

I hated school.

   There was a crowd of people as everyone was gathering around, catching up with friends. Some were walking away while others stayed and talked on the school property. 

   I scanned the lot for Arizona and Callie's car but I couldn't see the car or them anywhere.


   I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned my head around to see who had called my name.

   What I had expected to see was either Callie or Arizona standing there, even though I knew the voice wasn't a match to theirs.

   Who I saw instead was Dr. Karev.

   Confused, I took a little step-hop back.

"I was sent to pick you up from school," Dr. Karev explained, dangling his keys to show me as if that proved everything.

   I furrowed my eyebrows, "Arizona and Callie told me that one of them was going to pick me up."

   Dr. Karev sighed, "Maybe so, but they got caught up in surgery so Robbins sent me."

"Both of them?" I wasn't sure why I was being so skeptical.

"Yes, both of them," Dr. Karev was starting to become a little impatient with me, "You know, that's not uncommon when you're a surgeon."

   Despite my horrible day, I couldn't help but crack a smile at his comment and I nodded.

"Okay..." I said and followed Dr. Karev to his car.

   He tried to help me get in but I ignored his efforts. I was fine by myself. I didn't need other people, I didn't want others. I needed to prove that to myself again.

   It was a very awkward ride back to the hospital since neither of us spoke. I think he wasn't sure what to say to me and I wasn't sure if I should even talk to him.

   When we did arrive at the hospital, Dr. Karev tried to help me again and though I was a little unbalanced at first, I brushed him off. I knew I was being rude and though I felt bad deep down, I didn't change my attitude.

   I followed Dr. Karev into the building, making sure I didn't trail too far behind him as he led me to some conference room. 

"You can stay here for now," Dr. Karev told me, motioning to the big table, "Do homework, study, whatever. Robbins or Torres will check on you once they're out of surgery."

   I nodded and hobbled over to a chair before slowly lowering myself onto it. I started pulling out my homework when I saw that Dr. Karev was still standing at the door so I stopped to look at him.

"You can go now..." I raised my eyebrows, "I'm sure you have better things to do than babysit me. I promise I'll finish all my homework if that makes you feel any better."

   Dr. Karev opened his mouth and I thought he was going to say something before he left but he didn't. Instead, without another word, he just gave me a stiff nod and turned around, closing the door behind him.

   Sighing, I went to finish pulling out the rest of my homework but stopped when I realized I really didn't want to do any of it.

"I hate this," I mumbled even though there was no one in the room. 

   I knew that at some point I would have to do it because it was all due tomorrow but I just couldn't bring myself to do it now. I would do it later.

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