Chapter 2. Trust

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After Harley smiled, she swiftly fainted. And I need to help her. The feeling of just being tazed by the cage was finally wearing off, I quickly stumbled up and to a first aid pack on the wall. Which had literally nothing in it.

"I need to talk to the Warden after this, not enough nice people" I thought aloud as I sprinted back to the medical ward, grabbing one of the spare first aid packs in the storage area.

After quickly getting back to the cell, I grabbed my spare set of keys from my belt and went to unlock Harley's cell. Only for the electrified cell to send an ark of electricity into my key, electrocuting me. I shook my hand a little in pain before forcing the key into the lock through the jolts of stunning bolts and pain.

"GUARD L/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I heard an angry voice yell at me over the speaker as I walked into Quinn's cell, closing the gate behind me.

As I set down the first aid kit next to a fainted Harley Quinn, a pair of guards came in with batons at the ready. But then put them away after they noticed that I was in the cage with her.

"Fifty bucks says she kills him as soon as she's patched up" One guard said to the other with a chuckle.

"Hundred that she does it now!" The other guard bargained with a grin. I rolled my eyes as I got out all the needed medical supplies to patch up her shock burns, which were already improving, applying what she needed and keeping an eye on the guards at the same time to make sure they wouldn't do anything weird.

"Okay Y/n, you patched her up "hero". Get back out before she wakes up and rips you a new one" One of the guards said as he reached for the door.

"No, I'm taking care of her until she wakes up" I stubbornly stated, passing them my keys to hold onto while I'm in here. I really only did it so if anyone was going to try hurt her then I'll be there to protect her, I am meant to be her personal guard.

"Damn, he really does has a death wish, we'll see you later dead man" The guard said as him and his friend left the room.

I placed Harley down so she used my thigh as a pillow, I took off my guards jacket and put it over her like a blanket to make sure she'd feel warm even with the injuries. As I sat, looking at Harley and waiting for her to wake up again, I noticed just how calm she can be instead of jumping around with her bubbly attitude like usual, even if it was cute that way.

I waited for about an hour before Commissioner Gordon entered the cell, with a crew carrying a ton of supplies such as a medical bed, television, books and other things one would use with free time.

"I heard about what happened Mister L/n, and how they've been treating her and other prisoners. Sure she is a crazy person but she is still a person none the less" Gordon said, entering the cell and setting down a chair by the new medical bed.

I thanked him as I placed Harley onto the bed, and then helped set up the rest of the room so it'll be a more comfortable environment when she wakes up.

"Thanks Commissioner, I hope this wasn't much trouble for you" I thanked once more as the crew left the room.

"No problem, you are the only guard Harley hasn't tried to kill yet. Which is rare" Jim replied, giving off the face of a little bit of worry, like seeing me as a man in trouble.

After some goodbyes, Jim left with the others. Leaving me and Harley in the cell with some extra food in case I get hungry or she wakes up and is peckish, knowing her she will be.

It was only a good two hours after when Harley woke up. I was sitting on the chair beside her bed and was reading a book before she got up. Seeing her eyes open was the most heartwarming thing I had seen, knowing that she was alive and well.

"P-Puddin?" Harley asked as she looked around a little in confusion, grabbing my hand tightly.

"No Harley. It's just me Y/n. Are you okay? I tried to patch you up but it seemed pretty bad" I asked with a bit of worry in my tone.

"Oh Y/n, I'll be okay! Thanks to Ivy that is, she gave me a better healin factor, I wonda how she is?" Harley seemed to ask herself as she looked around the cell, slightly confused.

"Did someone clean up the place?" Harley added as she slowly got out of the bed.

I explained to her about how Jim Gordon supplied the stuff, she was a little off about it but after I showed her the food they had put in here she quickly changed her mind. We talked for a bit about how I helped bandage her up and she was quite impressed about how I went through the shock pain to enter the cell and help her.

"Hell, I'm shocked ya even entered an insane person's cell! Pun intended" Harley said as she ate some popcorn that was given to her. We both laughed a bit before Harley layed back down in her bed, I sat down on the chair once more as night began to come around.

"Welp, guess you have to leave now huh?" Quinn asked, on her back and looking at the roof where a wire had been cut, the one that activates the electric cage device.

"I don't know, I heard that I get three times the amount of pay if I sleep in the same cell as an inmate" I joked as I leaned back in the chair a bit.

Harley quickly whipped over and looked at me right in the eyes, she looked at me with the look of 'Really!? Please do!'.

I laughed a bit as I grabbed one of the spare pillows, putting it behind my back and head.

"Guess we'll be having a slumber party then" I stated, she looked super excited as she snuggled into her covers.

"Just ta let ya know Y/n... I trust you the most out of anyone here" Harley complimented as she looked over at me. I felt my cheeks warm up as she gave me a soft smile. I was nodding off before I heard Harley talk again.

"You do realise that I was just knocked out for like four hours right. I'm not goin to sleep for awhile" Harley pointed out as she shook my knee.

"Well then we're staying up tonight then?" I asked as I felt my eyelids get really heavy.

Harley began to pat my head as it fell onto the bed, she had such soft hands as I nodded off.

"Goodnight Puddin" Harley spoke softly as I slept.

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