Chapter 7. Aftermath

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I was shaken up, I tried standing up a bit but fell back to the floor, landing on the force field device and fainting.

After what felt like a short few seconds, but was actually days, I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a hospital bed, I looked around to see Harley laying her head and arms on my legs, she had clearly been crying a lot if she fell asleep like that.

I gently shook her awake. Her eyes squinted for a moment before they opened, she went from tired to shaking as she embraced me, she happily sobbed and I let her for awhile.

"I'm all good now Harlz" I said as she sat back down again with a smile.

We sat there for awhile smiling... then mine faded, she noticed and asked what was wrong.

"There was this thing the Joker told me... about you... apparently you want to have kids at some point and then he told me that... he... he made you infertile" I confessed, sitting upright in the bed.

She smiled and shook her head.

"He hasn't done shit like that to me, hell I could go do a test right now since we're in a hospital. Trust me, he just wanted to bug you" Harley reassured me, grabbing my hand.

"Good, I was hired to be your guard. And I'm taking that job very seriously" I said with a relieved smile.

We sat in a happier silence for a bit, but then in walked Bruce with Grayson.

"Oh oh oh! Y/n I need to tell ya! Bruce Fucking Wayne paid off your entire hospital bill, coma and all!" Harley said happily.

"Wow, thats really kind of him! Hey, how about you go grab us some grub, I'm starving!" I asked Harley, she nodded with a grin and walked off, out of the room.

The tone of the room got serious.

"You killed him" Bruce spoke as he sat down.

Dick shook his head at Bruce but didn't speak.

"Look... Joker made me snap, I admit that, and I know you have a thing for not killing people so I'm sorr-" I was explaining, but was cut off by Dick.

"Don't apologise Y/n. You "Killed" a dead man, he had hundreds of Death Row visits but he never got the noose. You just did the system and Gotham a favor" Dick explained, Bruce still didn't seem happy but he knew that Dick was right.

"But still, you snapped and you stabbed a man in the heart... and the balls" Bruce scolded me, but then he added more, "But. The GCPD ruled it as self defence. So I'm going to not be mad".

He was clearly mad.

Then a man walked in carrying a few briefcases with him singing to himself. He had a few scars here and there with black hair and a single tuff of it being white on the front. He also wore a lot of red.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" Grayson asked the new guy, Jason reached over to me and shook my hand.

"I'm giving this guy his pay" Jason said happily.

Before anyone could talk, Jason opened one of the briefcases to show the contents.

"In the underworld of crime lords, there was a HIGH price on the dumbass clown's head, I even threw in a few million to the bounty pool myself! And so, Y/n, destroyer of jackasses, I give you the bounty prize of 125 MILLION bucks!" Jason said happily. I was speechless, one, god damn I'm a millionare now and two... why does this guy enjoy the Joker's death so much?

"What. Jason. Wait, What the fuck." Dick said confused as he chased the now skipping away Jason.

Bruce just squinted at me. Then opened his mouth.

"Enjoy the blood money" He said as he left the room.

I just was shocked, I never thought about how many people wanted the pale guy dead, let alone how much they were willing to pay for it.

Then the Commisioner came in.

"I'm going to ignore the millions of probably illegal cash on your bed, you honestly earned it. Son of a bitch paralyzed my daughter. So you sir are a hero to me. I also heard of your little heist at GNN but most of the property was returned and we've figured it was related to you finding the Joker so we've brushed the inncident under our rug. And we got an old retired officer, Dick Grayson, saying that you would make a brilliant Detective at GCPD. So if you want the job we can do some tests and see if you suit the detective life" Gordon ranted on as I saw Harley walk in with our food.

It quickly got awkward, Harley seemed to of expected me to get the large bounty pay out so she didn't react too much to the millions on me. But the police Commissioner of the GCPD was now glaring down an escapie of Arkham.

"... is 5 million enough for her bail?" I asked Jim.

"Oh I don't do bribes. But I don't see why you'd do that I mean, all I see is two super innocent people in a hospital" He replied with a wink as he left the room.

Harley passed me my plate, fancy sandwiches and fries.

"So... what we buying first?" I asked Harley with a smirk.

(Author: It may sound like the story is over but it ain't, just finished the chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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