Crossroad of the past and future-part 5

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''To think you of all people would be the one to help me.''

''Hoo, the little boy seems to be really attached to you, I can't let his motivation to destroy GD wither away because you're dead can I?''


When Marie rose had arrived on the battlefield to support Braham, it could be said that the roles were completely inverted.

''Beriache...How... You should have been dead, that wasn't what Baal said!!''

''Can you stop mumbling non-sense, I don't have time to play with you anyway.''

Gamigin who wasn't able to grasp the situation was in a state of confusion. The information about Shizo Beriache's death has been known in Hell for centuries. Yet here she was, standing before him, not only that but she was even stronger than her prime in Hell. In the midst of his confusion, a roar filled the world, it was the same roar that grid would be hearing right now. Enormous wings covered the gray sky, A Dragon, one of the strongest and most feared beings of Satisfy, had arrived at the eastern border of the empire. Shortly after, Ominous energy filled the air around Gamigin and the 3 vampires.

''HAHAHAHAHAHA, who would have believed that you would show up in such a place, Truly Interesting, Beriache's little daughter!''

One could not mistake the identity of the owner of the voice which echoed through the land. The source of evil, The only great demon to have existed before the Genesis, As well as the strongest among them, a being that could be compared to a Dragon. The first great demon, Baal; His mere gaze petrifies the world and his voice horrifies the weak.

'' a time like this''

Although Marie rose was powerful, without the presence of the Blood king she was still far from being Baal's match. The arrival of Baal on Pluto was truly the prelude to the world's destruction.

''Night of the dead.''

While Marie rose was distracted by Baal's arrival, Gamigin didn't miss this chance and deployed his Strongest field. Night of the dead, as its name suggests, it is the night that symbolizes the return of the souls from the land of the dead. Although his overall physical and magical abilities were subpar compared to the top Great demons; Gamigin still managed to reach the fourth seat. It would not be inaccurate to say that the reasons behind this were both, the strength of his 'soul Burn', and his special field, which materialized the souls and gave them the ability to interact with the world inside his field. For humans, it was perhaps the most terrifying ability, not only because the souls could not be harmed by physical attacks, But also because of the regret each person holds and their longing for the dead.

Millions of souls appeared throughout the world, Be it a mere villager or a Hero from ancient times, they were all summoned today for one reason.

''Destroy everything in your path!''


While multiple battlefields filled the west continent, There was only one that gathered the attention of the whole world. The empire's capital 'Titan' was now filled with a huge number of soldiers who were prepared to attack at any time. 9 Special people could be spotted among the countless people in this city. It was none other than the 9 members of the tower of wisdom.

''Has it been 200 years since we killed Gujel? Man, that was a tough fight.''

A man with a fit body and huge muscles started talking, regardless of who noticed him, They wouldn't doubt that he would be able to destroy a whole castle with his bare fists. His black hair and yellow eyes gave him a unique aura. He was the 6th seat of the tower of wisdom, the martial artist, Ken.

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