crossroad of the past and future-part 6

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Grid's mind was in turmoil.

'But isn't Betty much older than Biban who's more than 500 years old?'

'It looks like you knew Betty.'

'Yes indeed'

'Then you must be confused since you thought I only lived 500 years ago.'


'As you know, I am a legend whose most achievements went down as anonymous, sealing Bunhelier happened to be my last.'

''Wait, so you mean...''

'Allow me to introduce myself again. I am Sigmund, The mentor of the one who would grow to be known as one of the seven malignant saints, the one who carries the sin of corruption, As Well as Rebecca's first apostle. And also the teacher of Saharan. They are probably my only disciples that you would know of.'

''That's... How were you able to live that long without being a renowned legend?''

Sigmund showed a warm smile before sighing.

'I truly hope you can show me a better path than the one I took, You will find all the answers you seek soon enough. From now on I will not be interrupting the trial anymore, Good luck.'

Sigmund once again disappeared before Grid's eyes.

''Sieg? You've been spacing out a lot today, what happened?''

Grid who was flustered and didn't know how to answer, felt great pressure as Sigmund's memories rushed to his head. 

[The memories of the first Hero King, Sigmund, will be delivered to you in order to start the trial.]

[You are in extreme confusion.]

[The system is checking your brain waves and pulse. If it is determined to be dangerous, The trial will be halted]

Familiar messages popped in front of grid's eyes


They were the same messages that popped up when he assimilated with Madra through his diary.

[The system has confirmed that your awareness and mind are intact, the trial will proceed]

''Ah... sorry, Betty. I was just thinking about some stuff haha.''

''Gosh, you're already 16 yet you still act like a kid.''

''Would you see that... Even the little kid is calling me a kid now.''


Betty pouted as she glared at Sigmund.

''So Sigmund...''


''The bloody day is approaching, are you sure you still want to fight with the guardians...They have handled alone for years, nothing will change...''

Grid, who was in Sigmund's body, searched inside the memories to understand what betty was talking about. The bloody day; It was a single day of each year when monsters would gain great power due to the fluctuations of the energy around the abyss. However it didn't end at that, some monsters would gain higher intelligence and start attacking villages and wreak havoc, it was the most dangerous aspect of that day. Normal villagers would usually stay inside their houses, protected by the village's fences during that day. However the fragile defenses of the village were not enough to stop the monsters' invasion so a group of warriors and capable fighters inside the village would join hands with mercenaries to stop the monsters from advancing, They were called the guardians.

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