#2 The-Brothers

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≪No One's Pov ≫

Y/n smiled as she gently laid her head down, ready to get some shut-eye. She was in the V.I.P section of the plane, it was amazing.

"I hope you are enjoying your flight ma'am." A gentle voice spoke out, causing Y/n to flinched awake, surprised, "G-Goodness- You scared me." Y/n chirped out. The Flight attendant let out a small gasp looking more closely at Y/n.

"O-Oh, My gosh! Y-You are Y/n l/n! I-I'm such a big fan of your work!" The flight attendant cried out. Y/n gave her a small smile.

"Always a pleasure to meet a fan." Y/n's gentle voice spoke. The flight attendant nearly cried as she started to compliment Y/n before biding her a good flight.

Y/n let out a small sigh before closing her eyes once more. As she fell asleep for the rest of the plane ride, making up for the sleep she had lost because of her work.

Y/n set down her suitcase as she started to stretch and yawn. She was currently at the airport, waiting for Ema to come and pick her up.

Y/n finally put her arms back down finishing her stretching, Her hands clasp onto her f/c suitcase. E/c eyes start to wander around, the airport was rather crowded with people.

"Y/N!!!" Ema cried out from afar, a man in a rather fancy suit trailing behind her, his blonde hair slightly moving from the wind.

Ema suddenly engulfed Y/n into a tight hug. Y/n was clearly not the hugging type, she awkwardly put her arms around Ema.

Once Ema finally let go of Y/n after a while Y/n bowed her head towards who she assumed was Ema's brother, she knows about how many step-brothers Ema had, but the thing is, Ema barely mentions her brothers to Y/n, so all she could do was assume.

"Ah, a pleasure to meet you, Miss L/n." The handsome male pushed up his glasses giving the beautiful woman a handshake, "Sorry, It might be strange of me to know your name...Ema talks about you...quite a bit." Ukyo gently let go of her smooth hands.

"I'm happy to know.." Y/n had a carefree smile placed on her face, "Sorry if eh, My Japanese is a little off, I have a hard time pronouncing some words because of my...erm accent?" Y/n did have a heavy french accident, after all, she lived in France most of her life.

But her accent made her voice even more heavenly than it already was. Ema felt as if her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

"OH! Yes, I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce you to my brother, Ukyo." Ema gently laughed as she clung to Y/n's arm.

"Pleasure to meet you as well," Y/n responded a little late, wanting to know the male's name before saying pleasure to meet you.

Ukyo felt his heart skip a small beat, him ignoring it.

"Lovely home!" The artist let out a small awe as she carried her bags Ema carrying one while Y/n carry two on both of her arms.

Masaomi apologized to the guest for not being able to stay longer after all he did need to get to work.

"Big sis Ema brought a friend?!" The adorable Wataru spoke out clinging onto the lady he has never met leg.

Y/n was good at hiding her feelings, she felt as if she wanted to cry because of how cute the child was.

"Please come in!" Ema spoke as she clenched onto Y/n's hand dragging her inside.


"No wonder Ema talks about you a lot!" Y/n felt arms wrapped around her shoulders she slowly turned her head to the side to only be met so close to someone's face that their lips were inches apart.

Tsubaki gave the h/c girl a smile rubbing his face onto hers.


"Stop getting handsy with the guest..Sorry, Tsubaki can be a bit handsy and at times..." the black-haired male with purple eyes stopped for a second before introducing himself.

"I'm his twin brother, Azusa...I must say I'm a big fan." This brought a toothy smile onto Y/n's face, nodding her head.

"Sorry, I seem to get happy whenever I meet a fan, it makes me realize I'm still an artist." Y/n was in a dreamy gaze as she thought about art, Azusa's face turned a shade of pink mistaking the blush, thinking it was directed towards him.

"Cmon, Y/n let's go to my room!"Ema smiled no longer wanting Y/n to be around her brothers jealous that they were stealing Y/n's attention.

Y/n went up the stairs disliking how hard Ema kept gripping onto her wrist. After Ema made it in front of her room she opened the door.

Small but cozy, the walls held some of Y/n's art. "Come here Juli meet my friend!" Ema spoke to her pet/friend.

Juli was simply released that it wasn't another beast trying to pry on Ema, no Juli had his guard still up, yes even women can be beasts so he's not going to judge too quickly.

Y/n cowered in fear looking at the squirrel it looks so angry as if it wants to attack her! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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