Chapter 27

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I woke up abruptly, hearing a piercing scream from outside. It more sounded like someone was screaming right beside me. I sat on my bed, scared shitless. I'm pretty sure this apartment has a high-security system.

But it was then I recalled the words the person screamed.

I quickly ran out of my room. My ears picked up the screams from Alessandro's room. I opened the door and went to see him.


I approached upon a distraught looking Alessandro. His face was sweating. His palms were balled up with fists, and his whole body was shaking, similar to a seizure.

It was then I realized that he is having a nightmare.

My heart broke at the sight of him like that. He looked so vulnerable. How long has he been having these traumatic episodes?


Dante? Who is Dante? Moreover, what is he even screaming about?

I sat on the bed beside him and reached out to touch him. I hesitated for a second.

What if he became violent? God knows what he was reliving at the moment.

Nevertheless, I ran my hand through his curly, sandy brown hair. He instantly leaned onto my touch.

"Alessandro, it's not real. It's a dream. Nobody is going to hurt you. I'm here, okay," I cooed.

"THEY'RE HURTING MOMMY AND DADDY AND DANTE," he screamed, but less loud this time, and sobbing.

"Alessandro, nobody is hurting anyone. This is all a dream. Don't worry I'm with you."

His screams became lower and lower till he completely stopped as I placed my palm on his, in which he clamped on it.

He turned his front towards me; his hand still clamped on mine.

"Help them, please," he silently sobbed. Tears were running from the edge of his eyes.

"It's all a dream, Alessandro. Go to sleep, okay," I cooed, repositioning him, but he was hard as a rock.

He was mumbling things for a few minutes until he eventually fell asleep, or so I thought. I stayed there for a few minutes before going.

I slowly took my hand off him and stood up. I felt a tug after taking a step away from him.

"Please stay," he said, his voice quiet and raspy.

I turned to look at him. At first, I wanted not to disturb him, but now I couldn't let myself walk away, not after him being in such a vulnerable state and not to mention that silent request that touched my heart differently.

I couldn't care less about the fact that his man is my boss. At this moment, he is Alessandro, a man who had gone through something pretty terrifying during his childhood. It must've affected him severely mentally, which made him have these nightmares. As another human being who is acquainted with him, I must make sure he's okay.

But what the main question and what made me sympathize for him is how long has he had these nightmares? Who comforted him when he had nightmares? Did he go through them alone before this?

I sat beside him, his hand having a firm grip on mine. He placed his head on my lap; I leaned onto the bedpost. Even when the episode was over, he was still whimpering and silently sobbing.

I comforted him until he completely fell asleep, and after some time, I did too.

I felt a series of haptic feedback on my watch, indicating my alarm going off. I opened my eyes to Alessandro; the man was sound asleep, his lips slightly parted. He looked peaceful in his sleep as if nothing had happened a few hours ago.

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