Chapter 29

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She was close. So damn close. Only a few centimeters away from me. But yet to be in my arms.

This was certainly not the situation I wanted for us to sleep on the same bed. I wanted her snuggled up to me, arms around her, protecting her from the darkness. I wanted to feel her soothing warmth on me, our bodies molded into one.

But she's too close yet too far.

My heart longed for this woman. A white rose is an accurate depiction of her. Pure, delicate, and untainted. She is also fearless and able to go through everything, just like the thorns on the stem. My angel is a strong woman and imperfectly perfect, perfect for me.

I couldn't sleep the whole night, not even the slightest bit. I was mad, furious at myself. I hated myself for the fact that I put her in danger. I've sworn, with all my heart, till the second I have my last breath, to protect her. Not even a few months we started talking, and I broke my promise already. How could I be so careless?

I felt something shift on the bed. I ever so slowly turned around. My angel was sleeping on her back.

A smile crept on my face, looking at her.

Her lips were slightly parted, snoring lightly. A slight pinkish tint was evident on her cheeks. Her face expressed peace, void of any discomfort. She looked as angelic and innocent as ever.

Her beauty entranced me so and that I didn't realize I was creepily staring at her. If only she knew that how my emotions will go haywire when I'm near her.

You should see her face when she's drowned in her work. Forehead scrunched up; brows knitted closer, a pen always stuck in between her teeth. She looked the cutest in those moments. My temptation was hanging on a thread in those moments, preventing me from stopping everything I was doing, going to her office, and kiss her senselessly.

"As if you didn't kiss her in the car," my conscience reminded me.

I looked out at the window, which was on her side. The sun was rising, the sky decorated with different hues of orange and pink. The sounds of birds chirping and the rustling of the trees was heard. Nature never failed to show it's beauty.

My angel was stirring, probably due to the presence of sunlight. Her face scrunched up in discomfort; the sight of her face was amusing.

My phone pinged, indicating a notification. It was a message from Jake asking if Amy and I were safe. I replied to him that we were okay and not to worry about us.

"Good morning, Alessandro," I heard the groggy, morning voice of my angel.

"Good morning," I greeted her.

She sat up and rested her back on the headboard.

"When did you wake up?" she asked me.

"About an hour ago."

"You must be a morning person, aren't you?" she asked me in an amused tone.

"Yes, Amy I am. How about you? Had a great sleep?"

"I usually have a hard time falling asleep at new places but something about this place made me have the contrary."

"I know, this place has always been calm and relaxing," I told her.

"Hey, do you want to go for a walk? The weather must be chilly out there and I bet you will love it," I continued.

Her face lit up.

"Sure. It's been a long time since I've been on a walk. Let alone in the woods," she chirped.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get ready," I enthusiastically told her.

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