- Chapter 23 -

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He could care less if he was running out of air. Who needed air anyway, if the very thing he needed to survive was pressed against his own lips?

Quite frankly, he was beginning to suspect that the moment their lips would part would signify the end of his existence. He needed her. And the darndest thing about it was the fact that she didn't know just how much he needed her. His hands yeared to touch even the smallest bit of her skin. His lips yearned to be pressed against hers. Indefinitely. And the longer they kissed, the more apparent it was becoming to him that Jagoda may feel the same way.

"In the name of all the stars ever shining above Us, did You intend to lure me here to end me?" Jovan whispered to Jagoda's ear after the longest breath he had taken to regain his balance.

"I did not lure You here, or anywhere for that matter," Jagoda replied and eased away from their embrace. She walked toward the snow covered side of the mountain right outside the entrance to the cave, and looked up at the moon.

"Bollocks!" Jovan stated the obvious.

Jagoda turned back in an instant and faced him with bolts of lightning shooting out of her eyes. "Let's just get one thing straight. I did not lure You here. I just needed to... talk to You."

"Sure thing, sunshine. I like talking to You. It always makes You swear at me sooner or later, and then we both know how rewarding THAT is..." he meant it as a lighthearted ioke, but held his breath because she came even closer toward his face.

"I see that You find my existence to be somewhat amusing!" She narrowed her eyes on him, and the thunder in her eyes raised the hair at the small of his neck.

"Not amusing. Not by the least. Though, You could be a little bit more open to what life has to offer. Just saying", he replied, but his confident grin disappeared the moment he noticed a hint of sadness in her eyes. So, he cupped her face and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs. "What is it?"

"Damn You, must You know me so well?" She brought her hands up to his, but instead of embracing them, she moved his hands away from her cheeks and took a few steps away from him.

"Damn me all You want, but spare me the pity. You pull me aside to talk. You kiss what's left of my brain cells away. And what? You expect me to stand idly by when I can see that sadness in Your eyes?" He walked up to her, stood behind her, and wrapped his arms around her. "I am not wired that way. So, talk..."

"What do You mean?" Jagoda sighed and turned to face him, looking up at him.

"I mean, tell me what bothers that head of Yours?" Jovan whispered and embraced her a bit tighter.

"I got that part. But what does being wired mean?" She looked up at him.

"What?" Jovan tipped his head back, dumbfounded, to get a clearer view of her in the moonlight.

"What?" She repeated his question.

"Why did You ask about being wired?" He lost it, he knew he had. Whatever train of thought ran through his mind, it derailed on the spot.

"Because You said it. You said that You are not wired that way?" Jagoda asked, even more baffled.

"I definitely am not wired that way when it comes to You!" he exclaimed. He picked her up and turned them around a few times.

"I get that You lost Your mind, but that still does not explain Your words," she ran her fingers alongside his bearded jawline while he held her above the ground.

"You'd be surprised. Anyway, where I come from being wired, or not, explains the way a person was raised and how they treat others." He meant to comfort her, but his words saddened her.

"Jovan, I cannot allow You to go after my sisters while I stay behind," she sighed. "It is not... how I am wired, if I may say that. I cannot stand not taking part in the plan to overthrow Zora and Zoja."

"Do You mean that You cannot let Our little group go after Your sisters? Or just me?" Jovan narrowed his eyes.

"You," she whispered.

"Why?" He asked, unsure whether he felt honored - or insulted and hurt. He set her down, but she did not move away from him.

"Because... Because... You've already been wounded while saving my life in the past. I don't know what I would do if something happened to You again because of me." She laid her hands on his chest and felt his heart pound under them.

"I would rather walk into the path of a hundred poisoned arrows than allow You to risk Your own life," Jovan strengthened the grip he had around her waist.

"It isn't just about that, though You have no idea what Your words mean to me..." Jagoda smiled faintly. "I am my father's daughter. I feel useless knowing I cannot come along with all of You."

"You really are a Sultana. My Sultana." He whispered and lowered his gaze toward Jagoda's lips.

"Don't think You can sweet-talk Your way out of this conversation, Valiant!" Jagoda placed her fingers by his lips.

"Who said anything about talking?" Jovan took her hand from his lips, kissed it, and then... kissed her lips.

He did not intend for the kiss to last long. Nor did he intend for it to turn into more than a kiss. And yet, it did. Jovan did not want to let go of her, but it was she who wrapped her hands around his neck. He held her up in an attempt to catch a better balance, and felt a surge of adrenaline mixed with longing when she unexpectedly wrapped herself around his waist.

It felt as if the kiss, followed by another breathless kiss, set an attack on all of his senses. And he meant all of them. He lost his bearing. Was he standing? Wasn't he? Was it day, or night? Winter, or the dead heat of the summer? If it wasn't, it sure felt that way. The moment he thought he had gone mad from desire, Jagoda parted her lips, and took hold of the small of his neck. She pulled him in. Closer, and closer. He swore on the inside because he never would have suspected that a man like him could ever feel weak in his knees.

He leaned her against the snow-covered side of the mountain. His head spun. His hands had gone mad. So did his gut. Each time he feared he was going too far, she pulled at him to come even closer, to go even further. He knew that if he wouldn't stop himself, if she wouldn't stop him, they would venture over the line of his final defenses that he wasn't sure he should cross with her. He knew it. He did. But when she whispered his name against his lips, again and again, he understood there was no going back...

But then, suddenly, something clashed against the side of the mountain. It rang loud enough for Jagoda to freeze. She tipped her head back, breathing heavily, with a gaze full of yearning and desire. She waited a moment for her voice to return and asked Jovan if he heard the sound just as she did.

"I heard it." Jovan set her down on the ground, with a groan and a mot-so-silent oath. "And I know what made that sound."

"Oh? What was it?" She asked, half disoriented and still dizzy from their kisses.

"This..." Jovan moved the kaftan given to him by Bojana to the side, and showed the newly-received saber to Jagoda.

"Jovan, that's... that's my father's favorite kilij!" She exclaimed with tears forming in her eyes.

"Kinga gave it to me shortly before You came and asked if we could speak in private." He paused. "I hope You approve of me wielding it. I feel connected to Your father when I hold it in my hand."

"Of course I do! Did Kinga tell You that my father had three saber swords made in honor of his three daughters? Each saber had Our name inscribed on it when we were born. Here..." Jagoda took the saber out of the scabbard and pointed to the middle of the saber's blade, running her fingers along the golden inscription. "This is my name."

"I wasn't aware of it," he smiled. "Now the saber means all the more to me."

"Did Kinga tell You that this saber was inscribed with my name because it is meant to protect my life?" Jagoda smiled up at Jovan.

"No, she did not. But it makes more sense to me than You'll ever know," Jovan's grin widened.

"Then let's hope that You will never part from it," Jagoda whispered, cupping his face, and did not let go...

THE TIDES OF TIMEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora