4: TDH

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My stupid alarm refused to ring.

I'd set it to go off by six, so I'd get enough sleep but still wake up early to have time to get ready for school. However, the stupid thing decided to disappoint me. Although my phone shows me I missed the alarm, I can bet it's lying. There was no way.... My sentence trails off as I recollect blocking my ears with my pillow at the sound of the alarm.

Mtcheew. It's a lie. That didn't happen.”

On my way to my wardrobe, I stop to glare at my door, flaring my nose. It was the sound of Amanda singing loudly that woke me up. As much as I'm grateful for it, I can't help how angry I feel. It doesn't make any sense: praying loudly. My dad does it all the time. He sings and prays at the top of his voice and there's no stopping him. Because... Well, because I like my life.

I finish taking a shower and I'm about getting dressed when Amanda finishes with her prayer session. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth as I thank God. I just don't get why people pray for as long as forever and on top of that, they pray loudly. Like, didn't you read the part that said close your door and pray silently because God who also sees in secret can hear you and will reward you?

When I'm finished dressing up, I reaffirm that I look okay by checking my reflection in the mirror for the umpteenth time before leaving my room. In the spacious hallway I see Amanda coming out of her room. I wave at her with an effort to smile genuinely and she smiles back as she waves.

After I find a taxi to school, my mom calls and I feel bad for forgetting to return my family's call.

She asks how I'm doing, if I have any problem and what I have planned for the day, all to which I answer. After a few minutes, we say our goodbye and I tell her to greet the rest of the family when she gets home.

Soon, we hang up and I call my dad. Shockingly, he's calm and doesn't sound upset that I didn't answer his call the night before. We talk for a lesser time than the one spent with my Mom, before we hang up.

The taxi stops at the gate and I get down.

Staring up at the school's name boldly written on the wall above the archway, I take a deep breath to calm my pounding heart.

“This is it,” I think to myself. “University.”

It's hard navigating my way through the students in the taxi rank and finding my classroom, especially when there's no guide book of anything. For close to ten minutes, I stand at an intersection, trying to decide which way to go when I see a dark boy in a white T-shirt and black pair of jeans come my way.

“Hi.” I stop him with a smile.

The tall, dark and handsome boy doesn't look annoyed that I've stopped him and I'm grateful for the dimpled smile he offers when I ask where the Pharmacology hall for 100 level students is.

“It's this way.” He points to his left. “Although, you could've gotten that information from there.” I follow the direction of his pointing finger and it makes me turn back to see the board behind me. On it are names of different Halls, their locations specified with arrows pointing either to the left or the right.

“Are you kidding me?” I chuckle, embarrassed. “I didn't see that there. But they didn't write pharmacology hall.”

“Yeah, the halls aren't named according to their departments. For 100 level, we won't be having our classes in our departments. There's the Alabi V. Ogunjimi hall, Science Lecture Hall one, two and so on like that. Most of the Halls are named after lecturers though.”

“Ah.” I nod.

Dare!” A girl from across the road calls and it's when he turns I realize that's his name.

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