Chapter 29

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We arrived in Massachusetts at around 2 AM. I didn't listen to Rick when he insisted I go to the hotel and see Aya in the morning. I asked the driver to drop him off at the hotel, and I drove to Aya's apartment after. Exactly 3 AM, I am in front of the apartment, looking at the bedroom window of Aya. The lights are off, but I decided. I will wait here in the car until she wakes up. I want to ensure that I am the first she sees in the morning. Whatever it takes, I'm not letting her go. Never My Aya!

"Cid! Wake up!" 

Jane's knocking on my car window awakened me. My watch showed 630 AM. Immediately, I sat up and fixed my clothes. After I greeted Jane, she motioned me to follow her. She didn't wait for me to open the car door. Once I was out of the car, she grabbed the key from my hand and locked the doors. Then, she pushed me towards their apartment door. She welcomed me and served me coffee. 

Aya and I are lucky to have someone like Jane.

"Is Aya okay?" I asked.

"Not okay, but better than yesterday, Cid. She is one tough cookie. Her love for you will surely clear her mind."

"God knows how much I love her, Jane. So much, I can't let her go. I won't let go even if she asks me to."

"Talk to her. Speak from your heart. Face your problem together. I'm sure everything will fall into place. Just pray and keep loving."

"Thank you, Jane, so much!"

"Now go upstairs. Aya is in my room. Assure her with your love, Cid! Good luck!"

I can't thank Jane enough. I know this is my only chance to make Aya believe and hold on to us. As I entered the room, I saw her still sleeping. So I quietly lay on her other side of the bed. Then, I pulled her towards my body and wrapped my arms around her. She moved and turned around, facing me.

"My Aya, I'm so sorry..."

She placed her lips on mine before I could finish my sentence. I kissed her back, soft and passionate. She squeezed her body to mine.

"Can we sleep for today, Mr. Waldon? Can we call in sick today? I feel so tired!"

"Sure! Sleeping the entire day it is! We will have Rick man the garden today!"

"That is his punishment for yesterday! Tell him that, Cid!"

I laughed so hard hearing what she said. Her eyes are closed. I removed the strands of hair covering her face and placed soft kisses on her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips. I want to mark every part of her face. This woman is mine! My only one!

"I love you so much, My Aya!

"I love you too, Cid! Goodnight."

I replied goodnight and let sleep overpower our minds and bodies. 


One Month After


"Hi, Cid! Thanks for calling me. I'm nervous since this is my first floral design assignment. I hope the clients will like it."

"Don't worry! I'm sure the clients will like it! Call me if I have to pick you up already, okay?"

"Yes, I will! Love you, Cid!"

"I love you! See you soon!"

It was just yesterday when I graduated from my Floral Design Course, and here I am a day after, already fulfilling a client's request to make flower arrangements for a proposal. I feel honored and thankful to my mentor for recommending me to Jason, the groom-to-be. He gave me a week to make all the designs and preparations. Good thing it is a local client and only has one request that the venue, DCU Center, be turned into a magical pink rose garden. I didn't have a hard time thinking, since the pink rose is also my fave. I just imagined that the client was me. Though I am confident with my design, I can't help but feel nervous since this is the first for me to make my mark. This design assignment can make or break my career. Thank God for Cid, my ever-supportive boyfriend/fan/driver/errand boy. Yes, the Cid Waldon is all-in-one, but a one-of-a-kind boyfriend!

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