Chapter Three

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Sky woke up in a bright room. Gold was everywhere. She squinted and peered around. She saw a door, protected by a quartet of large men with scary, wicked-looking weapons. Then, she saw a throne. A throne that was, of course, made of gold. And seated on it was a man. To her shock, he wasn't wearing a mask, which meant his style was completely different from that of the underground city.

"Finally," the man said in a voice that made Sky want to stab him. He was wearing a black shirt, black shoes, black pants, and a black necklace. He had black hair, dark brown eyes, and a black goatee. He smelled strongly of masculine perfume. He stood up and walked towards Sky, a lofty expression on his face.

"What's your name, peacemonger?" he asked smoothly. "I am NOT a peacemonger!" Sky spat. "The war was over so long ago! There is no more Peace Legion!" The man chuckled. "But you're descended from them, yes?" he said. "That's why you're wearing your weird mask, correct?" 

"YOU'RE the weird one!" Sky shouted. She wished her hands and ankles weren't shackled to the wall behind her so she could slap him. "Why did you even bring me here, you lunatic?" The man chuckled again, a sound that Sky knew she would hate forever after this. "I wanted to see what style peacemongers had," he said. "Then, I could recreate the style onto one of my mannequins and sell clothes for huge prices alongside my weapons. My name is Goldenknife, by the way."

Sky inhaled furiously. "Peculiar name," she snarled. She was surprised that she was talking this way: she rarely was this furious. He laughed airily. "Alan! Alan! Get yourself in here!" The doors guarded by the quartet of guards slammed open, knocking one of the men to the floor. The boy who entered was the most handsome guy Sky had ever seen.

He had blond hair with black streaks, skin that was lightly suntanned, eyes that were dark green and light green and reminded Sky of the best emeralds, a black suit that reminded her of ninjas, and a black mask identical to hers. "As I can see, the tailors made the mask already," Goldenknife said approvingly. "Girl, this is my assistant, Alan. He kidnapped you. He is also my assassin and my spy, despite being only fourteen years old. Come here, Alan."

Sky did not give a fig to the fact that Alan kidnapped her. He was so, so, was normal for her to only be focused on his outside looks: she was only twelve years old. Alan whipped off the mask and grinned at Sky. His teeth were bright white. "The tailors are working on the shirt with the shoulder spikes, sir," Alan said. His voice was strong yet satisfying, like ocean waves. "Any old pair of pants will do, right?" "No," Goldenknife said coldly. "Look, she has leather pants."

He bent down to try and feel Sky's pants, but she slid away from him, glaring. "Okay, girl," Goldenknife hissed. "You refuse to comply to my wishes, so you will be thirsted and starved. When you die, I will hang your corpse on the outside of my building and label it Peacemonger. Don't try any funny business. You're stuck here for good."

He, Alan, and the guards left, leaving Sky in the room that was too bright, with a heart that was hollow with sorrow.

Night had fallen long ago, and Sky was asleep. She was dreaming about a fire in the underground city, but nobody noticed her as if she was invisible. Joy didn't notice her, nobody noticed her, except for a blind person that appeared in the dream who Sky had never seen before. Sky tripped and fell on a stone, and the blind person felt it and tried to help her up. "Girl," he said. "Girl, wake up." It then occurred to Sky that the person was not in the dream but was in real life.

She opened her eyes. It was Alan. He was dressed in a full ninja outfit. He was still wearing the black mask that was like Sky's. "Alan?" Sky asked in a whisper. "Yes, it's me," Alan replied. He crouched in front of her and took her hands in his. "What's your name?" he asked. "Sky," Sky answered. "Pretty name," he said with what she thought was a smile. "It fits your eyes." 

He pulled something out of the top of his suit and picked the locks in Sky's shackles. He did it swiftly and quietly. "Come on," he said, helping Sky to her feet. "Thank you," she said. "No problem," he said with a small smile. He took her hand in his. They exited through the doors. 

A fat man was standing in the hallway, holding a saber. He lifted it, but Alan pulled out a chakram and threw it at his throat, killing him right away.

Sky was too stunned to speak. She had never before witnessed a murder. She stared at the dark blood pooling around the large body. "Keep walking, Sky," Alan said, not impatiently. They continued slinking in the shadows, afraid of being caught by one of Goldenknife's men.

They heard footsteps. Sky opened a door that led to a small storage room and she and Alan leaped inside, closing it as quietly as they could. The storage room was very tiny. They were squashed into each other.

Their hands and legs were twisted together, and their heads were touching. They sat together in fear, their heartbeats slowly syncing. "I swear I heard a door slam," growled an unfamiliar voice. "Must've hallucinated it," replied a voice that was Goldenknife's. "BLOODY HELL!" roared the first voice. "Boss, it's a dead body!" Chills ran down Sky's spine. "Oh, by the stars," Goldenknife snarled. "It's Alan's chakram in his throat. Alan killed him." 

"Oh, no," Sky whispered, gently squeezing Alan's hands. "So, your pet assassin is a traitor?" the  first voice asked. "Probably," Goldenknife said in an unreadable voice. "I guess we have to kill him." "Idiot," Sky heard Alan whisper. "You taught me how to stay alive. I am unkillable. 

"THE GIRL IS GONE!" thundered Goldenknife a few seconds later. Sky threw open the storage room door and she and Alan sprinted away on swift legs. Sky followed Alan. He navigated through the place as if he had been here since the second of his birth. They leaped down a stairwell and escaped through the front doors.

Sky sucked in the fresh air that had the scent of apples. "I can keep you safe, Alan," Sky said as they reached the spiky gate. "I can take you home to the underground city. But...oh..." Sky remembered that she had escaped. That she had broken the rules of the city to see the outside world. If she returned, especially with a strange boy, there would be lots of explaining to do.

"You can't return," Alan guessed, his kind green eyes shimmering with sympathy. "Yeah," Sky said with a sigh, staring at her brown shoes. "Listen," Alan said. "I know where my parents live. Goldenknife stole me from them, but his wife told me where they are. They will keep us safe. I promise that Goldenknife will never find us again. Come on."

They walked together, Sky's heart swelling with love for this boy who freed her, who killed for her, this boy who would most likely set the world aflame for her. She swore that she would do anything for him, no matter the consequences, because nothing could repay the thing he did to save her from an awful fate.



Spicy! Now, Sky and Alan, two people much in love, are heading to Alan's parents in search of safety and security. Will Goldenknife hunt them down and kill them? Will Sky's family and the underground city be worried sick about her? Who knows...


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