Chapter Four (Joy and Sky's POVs)

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The banner art is of the YouTuber Dream because why not?

Joy sincerely regretted not going outside with Sky. Because then she would know what was happening to her.

Sky's whole family was sad, but Joy figured that if they knew the truth, they would be mad. She was surprised because they had no idea of the truth. The drugged guards should've been enough evidence of itself, but they still were confused.

"Joy," somebody said softly. It was Sky's brother, Jack. "Tell me the truth. Did Sky go outside?" Joy bowed her head. "I won't tell Mom and Dad. Please, just tell me," Jack pleaded. Joy sighed. "Yes," she said in the softest voice possible. "Oh, my goodness," Jack said wistfully. Outside before the age of eighteen! I knew she was a smart one. But...why didn't she come back?" That was a mystery to Joy. She could think of a million different things that could've happened to Sky.

"I don't know," Joy said. She was at Lake Crystal, the place where Sky almost died. She inhaled and exhaled. She didn't know what she would do if she lost her best friend. Intense fear filled her to the point where she began to shiver. "Calm down," Jack said suddenly, grabbing her hands. "Don't be sad. Sky will come back, I know. Don't grieve for the death of someone who is still alive."

Joy ogled at him, unable to speak. Beneath her purple mask, her mouth twisted into a smile.

"This is where your parents live?" Sky asked, impressed, as she stared at the towering, imposing mansion. "Goldenknife's wife could've screwed up with the directions," Alan said with a shrug. "But I think this is the place." He walked up to the front door and knocked with the knocker.

Everything was silent for a few seconds. Then, a stunningly beautiful woman opened the door. Her hair was bright blond, with black tints at the tips. Her hazel eyes were welcoming and warm. "Children!" she said joyously. "Hello, hello! Oh, my, you guys look so cold and hungry! Come inside. Oh, my days, Nettle will probably be so pleased. NETTLE!" 

Sky was baffled. The woman spoke as if strange children came to her front door every day. But...who in the world was Nettle? 

A girl who looked like the female version of Alan appeared. She had a haughty tilt to her chin and her eyes were cold and calculating. "What?" Nettle snapped. "Look," said the beautiful woman, putting a warm arm around Sky and Alan. "Look at these children!" Nettle frowned. 

"Ma'am," Alan said to the woman, gently pulling away. "I think that I am your son."

The woman gasped. She let go of Sky and seized Alan by the shoulders. She looked him up and down, and a smile the size of the universe appeared on her face. "Yes!" she cried. "You're the one that thug Goldenknife stole! Oh, I am so, so, happy! This is your sister, Nettle."

"That guy is my brother?" Nettle asked in an unimpressed voice. "Now, Nettle, he survived in the clutches of an evil villain. There's no reason to be disappointed. Look how strong he is!" Alan's mother said. "Hi," Alan said in his beautiful voice. "I'm Alan and this friend, Sky."

"Ooh," Nettle said in a teasing voice. "More like your girlfriend. I see how you're holding hands." Sky shot daggers at Alan's sister with her eyes. "My name is Ophelia," said Alan's mom, completely ignoring the furious staring contest her daughter and Sky were having. "Come to the kitchen: I'll give you warm tea and cookies." 

"Stop bullying Sky," Alan hissed as he walked by his sister. She snickered. "What're you gonna do?" she asked. He pulled out a chakram. "This will find your throat and slit it," he snarled. Nettle looked very scared. "Okay, okay," she said, her voice no longer superior and cold. "I'll stop.

Sky gave Alan a grateful smile (although all he could see was the smile wrinkles around her eyes). They followed Ophelia into the kitchen. Three teacups, as well as a plate of cookies, were on a table that wore a gorgeous tablecloth. 

Sky thirstily drank her tea and ate some cookies. The tea and the cookies were good, good, good, and filled her up very well. "Thank you so much, ma'am," Sky said to Alan's mom when she was finished. "Oh, by the clouds," Ophelia said. "Just call me Ophelia." 

"And can I call you Mother?" Alan asked. Ophelia laughed. "Of course, dear," she said, patting Alan on the head. "Now, let's go meet your father." "Really?" Alan said excitedly. "I have a father?" 

The excitement about parents made Sky feel a stab of loneliness deep in her stomach. She missed her parents. She missed Jack. She missed Joy, her best friend. She felt awkward as Alan, Ophelia, and Nettle went to find Alan's father. She decided to tag along.

Ophelia was leading them to a pair of heavy, dark oak wood doors carved with intricate designs. "Your father is very proud of these doors, Alan," Ophelia informed her son. "He carved them himself. He is very skilled. He can carve wood, make clay and stone statues, write books, persuasive letters, paint beautiful paintings, write inspiring poems..."

She opened the doors. Inside was a man with black, dark grey-streaked hair, a mustache, glasses, and serious brown eyes.

"Hello, Ophelia," he said in a voice really similar to Alan's. "Hello, Nettle. Who are these two young people?" He looked with reserved curiosity at Sky and Alan. "This is our son Alan, the one Goldenknife stole so long ago," Ophelia explained with a smile at Alan. "And this is his friend. I don't know where she is from yet."

Sky bit her lip nervously. Could she tell these people about the secret location of the underground city? Would they tell the kings and would the kings destroy the city? "Son, your friend looks nervous about something," Alan's father observed. "Father," said Alan, his voice wobbling, "Can you keep a secret from the kings?" Alan's father snorted. "Why would I tell those blowfish heads anything?" he asked. "They are constantly criticizing my work. I am not their biggest fan. I won't tell them anything if it's to save my life."

"Sky is from the underground city," Alan said, gently squeezing Sky's hand. "You know, the one where the descendants of the Peace Legion live." Sky expected Alan's father to frown as if she was a stinking fish who turned up at his pristine house that he instantly was going to throw away. Instead, his eyes sparkled with fascination. "You're not eighteen yet!" he said. "But you're out here!"

"I escaped, sir," Sky said. "I put a sleep potion in the guards' meat pies and escaped." "Please call me William," said Alan's father. "And I assume you think your parents will be furious with you?" Sky bowed her head and nodded, thinking of all the rules of the underground city her parents' grandparents had set in place and how she, the daughter of the leader of the underground city, had smashed through the most important one: don't fully leave the caves until the age of eighteen.

"You can be a guest here, dear," Ophelia said, noticing Sky's crestfallen look. "You can return home whenever you feel like it. We can let you stay here for however long you want." "Th-thanks," Sky stuttered. "Okay. I will take you to one of the guest rooms," Ophelia said, taking Sky's cold hand in her warm one.

The kind woman led her to a room with a giant bed, a typewriter on a desk, a dresser filled with tunics, pants, robes, skirts, dresses, and shoes, many bookshelves that were stuffed with books, and a giant window with purple silk curtains.

The window showed a view of a beautiful valley, where the sun was setting in a blue, purple, pink, and orange sky.

"The door to the bathroom is over there," Ophelia said, pointing at a door inside the room. "There are some new toothbrushes in there. As well as some pajamas; you can find one your size. Feel free to take books from the bookshelves. Good night." "Good night," Sky replied. "Thanks for letting me stay." Ophelia laughed. "No need to thank me," she said. 

She exited the room and politely closed the door.



So, our best friend Sky is staying at Alan's parents' place, in a fancy-schmancy room. Nettle, our gal with the weird name, doesn't really like her, but her hatred cools after her crazy brother threatens her with a chakram.

Wow. Goldenknife must be furious as heck. Will he hunt Sky and Alan down? Or will he be the one to die? 

STAY TUNED, potatoes!


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