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"You look handsome, Reid. Those women at church will be eyeing you," Vanessa said slyly and kissed Reid's cheek.

Reid winked and kissed her hand. "And you look divine, as usual. I can't wait to meet your family and get to know them."

"I can't wait!" Lailah perked up from her car seat.

Vanessa turned around and blew a kiss to her little girl. "You're so sweet," She cooed happily. Her little girl was a doll.

"Is this it? It looks like it should be it," Reid tapped Vanessa's shoulder and she nodded.

"Yep, this is it."

Reid turned into the parking lot and parked in an open spot. "Are we late?"

Vanessa laughed and shook her head. Reid was adorable. "People just like getting to church early enough to talk before service starts. We're on time," She kissed his cheek and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Come on, Lailah. Let's go see everyone," Vanessa murmured and

Reid shook Lucas Sr.'s hand and Jenna's hand. "It's nice to meet you both."

Jenna looked him up and down, making Vanessa a little nervous. She hoped that her mother didn't say anything harsh. "It's nice to meet you as well, Reid."

Reid smiled at her and walked back to Vanessa's side. "Come on, service is about to start." Vanessa told everyone and they all walked into the sanctuary.

She looked around and saw Eva with a nice-looking guy sitting next to her. That had to be Anwar.

Eva turned around and smiled. She pointed at the seats next to her and nodded.

"Eva has some seats for us," Vanessa whispered and Reid followed. He was being a little quiet, but she assumed it was because they were at church and he was new.

Once they made it to the seats it was already time for service to start, so they didn't have any time to chat.

Soft music started to play signifying that worship began.

"Out of the depths I cry to You

In darkest places I will call

Incline Your ear to me anew

And hear my cry for mercy Lord"


He really enjoyed every second of the church service. He loved God, read His Word, and had a relationship with Him, but he rarely went to church. That was going to change now.

However, instead of focusing on how wonderful the service was, he needed to focus on speaking with Vanessa's parents.

"So, Reid, what do you do for a living?" Lucas Sr. asked from across the living room.

They all finished eating and it was a rule, according to Vanessa, that talking was saved for after the meal. He didn't mind.

Vanessa placed her hand on his thigh and smiled at him. "I run the Portalo Resorts and Hotels. They're a small part of my pride and joy." He explained and wrapped his arm around Vanessa's shoulders.

"Anwar, you're friends with my daughter? You seem to like her," Jenna said snidely, making Eva groan and Anwar blush.

Reid felt for the young man. Being put on the spot wasn't anything to enjoy.

"Mom! You can't just say stuff like that." Eva snarled at her mother and turned to Anwar. "I'm sorry,"

Anwar took Eva's hand and looked at Jenna. "It's alright, Eva-Marie. You're right, Mrs. Grace. I do like your daughter, very much actually." He said boldly and turned to Eva. "Can we talk outside?" He asked lowly, but everyone could still hear him.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now