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Pregnancy was much better this time around. She had a wonderful Italian man to thank for that. He was being absolutely amazing to her, doting on her, waiting on her, and playing with Lailah.

She was now four months pregnant and had the cutest baby bump in the world. She loved looking down and seeing her growing baby. It amazed her how her stomach stretched to fit a baby, wow.

"Can I have a brownie, mommy?" Lailah came running into the living room and jumped on the couch next to Vanessa.

Vanessa looked at the brownie pan on the coffee table and nodded. She had enough to spare and Lailah was adorable. "Yep! Take one, baby." She said and tickled Lailah's tummy.

Lailah giggled and reached for a brownie. "Mommy, why is your tummy big?" She asked while touching it gently.

If someone else asked her that she would've been offended, but Lailah was her sweetheart. "Well, mommy and daddy explained that there's a tiny baby in mommy's tummy. For that baby to grow and be healthy, mommy's tummy has to grow. It'll get bigger and then mommy will have your little sibling,"

Lailah munched on her brownie and leaned her head onto Vanessa's stomach. "Hi, baby! I'm Lailah," She sang and put tears in Vanessa's eyes at her sweetness.

"I love you," Vanessa hummed and caressed Lailah's hair.

Reid walked in and saw Lailah resting on Vanessa's cute bump. "Hello, beautiful ladies." He walked to the couch and kissed their heads.

"Hi, cutie! I missed you today," Vanessa beamed and tapped the spot next to her.

Lailah stood on the couch and jumped on Reid. "Hi, daddy! Do you see mommy's baby?" She asked and pointed at Vanessa's stomach.

Reid carried her and sat next to Vanessa. "I did, angioletto. They both look lovely," He kissed Vanessa's cheek and smiled. In five months he'd have another child, he couldn't get past how blessed he was. "How does a nice family dinner sound? I'll call Cabbrieli and we'll eat and talk," He would soon have three children. How amazing!

Vanessa liked that idea, she hadn't seen Cabbrieli in a while. "Okay, I like that." She yawned and strained up to see what they could cook.

"Can I help?" Lailah asked Reid with wide eyes.

"Of course you can! We should let mommy rest and we'll cook," He told her and she nodded.

"Yes. Mommy needs a nap! We can make her food." Lailah pointed towards the kitchen and Reid followed her instructions.

Vanessa leaned over to pull a pan out of the drawer and winced in pain. "Ooh, alright baby. Mommy won't do too much." She rubbed her belly and leaned against the counter.

Reid put Lailah on the floor and wrapped his arms around Vanessa's waist. "Go lie down, amore mio. Lailah and I will handle dinner," He placed a tender kiss on her soft lips and let her go. "I'll come to get you when it's time."

Vanessa wanted to help, she really did, but she wanted to sleep more. Maybe put on a good movie and then fall asleep. That was the second-best kind of sleep to her. The first, well, she didn't even want to think about it.

"If you insist," She shrugged and left the kitchen.

Reid watched her full backside sway as she walked away. Ooh, she was fine. He closed his eyes and turned to Lailah. "I need your help, Lailah. Can you get daddy's phone and call Cabbrieli?"

Lailah gasped and nodded rapidly. "Yes! What do I say?" She asked and ran to the living room to get his phone.

Reid watched her unlock his phone and go to the contacts. It made him feel old when he saw her skillfully use technology.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now