Chapter Forty-Seven

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I don't know how this can be happening. How can he be here, with Layla at his side? Not to mention Abe. They wern't allowed to see us, so how can this be happening? I glance across to Phoebe who is clinging tightly to Layla. Phoebe looks to me her eyes shining brightly.

I knew if she was asked to choose once more there would be no hesitation, no uncertainty. She would pick me over the man was my father.

Mike lifts up Abe and Abe wraps one arm around Mike, one arm around Phoebe. Phoebe is clinging tightly to Layla and I am between Mike and Layla in a massive group hug.

The smile on Phoebes face stretches from ear to ear and a matching grin settles on my own features.

Tears of happiness begin to prickle. I bury my head into Layla's shoulder and sigh in confusion. I don't understand how this can be happening but I let a smile run across my face anyway.

The moment is ruined by a cough of a social worker behind us. "Sign on the line." she says impatience evident.

I scowl at her as do both Phoebe and Abe. As soon as the two signatures are on the page I know that nothing can take this feeling away. Because although once before each of us has been torn apart and broken, right now we've been stitched back together. Maybe it's not the way it was before, but somehow its better. 

But then I hear the roar of an engine and know the car is black and posh. I hear the stomp of boots and I know they belong to a man with a scowl on his face. Father is here.

He stomps in, and glares at me. "Your mother is so disappointed in you!" I let the concealed insult wash over me. I grab the file from the desk and hold it to my chest, as though it can protect me. And in a way, it can.

"She's so upset, as am I! You finally managed to steal away Phoebe, our child!" he yells.

I hold the file to my chest. "She's not your child."

He falters only for a second. "Of course she is my child you fool!" He screams in anger.

I hug the file. "Not anymore."

The social worker disappears for a second and returns with three men. They drag father out of the building and drop him outside. When the five of us walk laughing out of the door I turn to father. I send him a genuine grin and a small wave. "Goodbye." I say cheerily. I don't think he'll be bothering us any more.

Days fly and I try to remember each and every one of them for each are perfect. Today, at Phoebes suggestion we are at the park.

I partially hide behind the silver slide. I see Abe notice me and I shriek and run quickly In the opposite direction.

Its been a few weeks since the day that I was adopted by none other than Layla and Mike. Mom and Dad. It didn't even seem strange calling them that, it just slipped out. I didn't even realise what I had said because to me, they are my parents.

I run past the slide and giggle softly to myself as I see Phoebes shadow move. So she's trying to creep up on me? She should know better. I change direction and dodge around her.

Abe and Phoebe mercilessly chase me until my friend from school, Rose appears from thin air. Oh for the love of chocolate. I would never be able to out run Rose in a million years. She runs faster than light.

I change tact and climb up the rope. I perch at the top and take out my stolen bag of harribo. Not the usual kind, but the big bag which contains multiple regular sized packets inside. I bob my tongue out at the three disgruntled figures.

Phoebe crosses her arms "No fair Emmy. Thats cheating!"

I smirk "No one told me the rules."

Phoebe give me the puppy dog eyes and I return them. She sighs in frustration. "I'm going to fetch Alesha." she stalks off after her best friend. Abe follows her which just leaves Rose waiting below.

Alesha is the only other person who isn't afraid to scale the tall ropes. Fortunately for me she also can't climb that quickly. I edge around the rope and run off when Rose has her back turned.

This is Rose Matthews I'm taking about. The very Rose who I was mistaken for by the mad therapist. It's a small world. And apparently all her issues between herself and her dad have evaporated.

I run past a wooden play house type thing only to see Phoebe and Abe inside holding hands. Phoebe kisses him affectionately on the cheek and I coo happily "I thought you two were fetching Alesha, lovebirds." I've always known about this but Mom, however, doesn't. "Mom's going to be cross you never told her." I taunt.

Abe glares at me. "Stop being mean, pig." I sigh. Whenever he's mad he always calls me pig. Which is kinda funny - as long as no one's around.

I slink around the building on the lookout for Alesha and Rose. Instead I bump into Jamie. "Hey." I say happily.

"Hi." She nods. Jamie got fostered by a nice couple who live nearby. The couple are young and eccentric, not unlike Jamie herself. I have a feeling she will soon be a permanent place in there family.

I cover my eyes with my hand and moan "Your hair is too bright to even look at!" I complain. Today it is green with horizontal streaks of white. Her many hair clips have little pom poms on. She looks like a Christmas tree. I uncover my eyes while she answers.

"Its themed!" She protests with fake hurt.

I smile "Hows it going with Anne?" I ask. Anne is Anne-Lee. She no longer like being called Lee. I think  it has something to with trying to impress her new boyfriend.

Jamie shrugs sadly. "Shes still with her dumb boyfriend."

"Ouch." I wince. It must be horrible for Jamie, especially since Anne's boyfriend is evil. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating because I'm biased, but I really don't like him.

Speak of the devil... Anne appears her arm wrapped around her boyfriends. His name is Sam and he seems a little bipolar. Nice one second, mean the next.

"Hi" Anne and Sam say in unison. Jamie's fake, bright smile becomes plastered on her face as she looks at Sam. A more genuine smile appears as she looks at Anne. I sigh softly at them and hope it all works out.

My ears hear footsteps creeping up on me. I flick through the possible people. Abe, Phoebe, Larissa, Rose. Well I can rule out Abe and Phoebe since those lovebirds are too wrapped up in the each other to chase after me. Since the footsteps are agile but slower than Rose's I guess Larissa. I throw two packets of harribo and Jamie knowing she'll give one to Anne.

Sharing is caring, after all. I just like winding up my friends.

I dash around Jamie, Anne and Sam only to see Rose gaining on me. I take off ond leap around obstacles that Rose cannot dodge.

I run into Mom's arms and she lifts me up and spins me around. I take out a packet of harribo for myself and hand mom the bag. She smiles and me "Thanks-" She breaks off and stares at me in shock, or maybe wonder.

"What?" I ask anxiously.

She says softly "Your eyes." 

"What about them?" I ask picturing my misty grey eyes.

Mom pulls out a little mirror and holds it up so I can see. I don't see the expected dull, mysterious fog. Instead I see a clear blue, as beautiful and precious as shining sapphires. The emotion in them can only be described as happiness.

Smiling, I curl up in my moms arms, eyelids drooping, content that I have all I ever asked for, and everything I never thought to ask for.

The End.

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