Layla's POV

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Layla's POV

I sit there silently. It's nice of him to take me out. Not many guys are nice to me. I don't know why he bothers. I'm just a girl who lives in an apartment building. My dad lives nearby. My mother died many years ago. I miss her all the time but I don't cry all time now. She's moved on to somewhere better.

The guy sitting across the table still seems worried about me. Even though I reassured him I was fine. I'm glad he cares. Others wouldn't. Eventually he would tire of my quiet and shy nature and move onto someone who's confident, outgoing and pretty. He wouldn't need me. However it's not a crime to enjoy it while it lasts.

I like him. Mike he said his name was. I like him maybe as more than a friend and it's only been a short time since I met him. I can't fall for this guy, because then he'll break my heart. Like so many guys before him. I didn't let guys hurt me in the beginning. Their loss I thought. Then I thought there was something wrong with me. Why didn't guys like me? Then I realised there was nothing wrong with me. They just didn't like me. Because I was shy. Because I was quiet. But you don't need a prince to live happily ever after. At least, that's what I told myself.

He seems confident but the slight pink tinge in his cheeks gives him away. It's cute that he's nervous. He's nicer that other people, I can tell from the conversation, you can also tell he disagrees with that thought. When I listen to the conversation that is. I'm too busy thinking thoughts about him to pay much attention. Hopefully he can't read minds, that would be plain embarrassing.

I feel my own blush creeping onto my face. I look into his sapphire blue eyes. I realise I'm staring so I look away from him. His eyes are almost the same shade as mine.

My blue eyes contrast greatly with my red hair, and my hair contrasts with everything, escecially purple. Before this I visited my niece's purple themed party. I had the foresight to bring a change of clothes or I would be here dressed as a purple fairy. Not a pleasant thought.

Instead of looking at Mike my eyes swept over the decor of the restaurant. A plain white tablecloth with simple swirls embodied at the edges. The flame from two candles in the middle of the table flicker warmly. In the centre of the candles is a glass vase with one white rose. It's obviously a romantic setting, although this is not a date. Actually it might be. I'm not really sure what this dinner is about. I barely know the man sitting across from me. I just sit and enjoy it.

I glance up without noticing. Mike seems to be uncomfortable. This probably isn't the type of place he normally goes to. As well as his discomfort he doesn't strike me as that type of person. I want to slap myself because I'm staring again. But really, what not to stare at? And I can't help but get drawn to his eyes. If I forget a lot of things and a lot of acquaintances. But I will always remember Mike because of his eyes.

I sound like a love struck teenager. Or maybe an actress from a romance movie. Why do I keep thinking about his eyes? It's getting repetitive. I'm obsessed and I've only known the guy for a few hours! What would it be like after days or weeks?

I stop short. My mind goes into overdrive unsure what thought to think first. Days or weeks? It settles on. What do I mean days or weeks? I can never see Mike again after today. I won't let myself. I'd be the last to admit it but, I've fallen for him after a few hours and light conversation, time would make it worse. What I really need is this feeling to go away. But do I want this feeling to go away? No. However it's necessary. I have priorities. Unfortunately my love life falls very low on this list. This gives me a new motivation to use my time with Mike fully.

I tune into the conversation determined to enjoy myself. He's talking about things he likes obviously hoping I will join the conversation. He finishes speaking and I tell him "My favourite flowers are lilies, any colour. What about you?" I wince internally. That's probably the stupidest thing I could have said.

I'm not normally like this. Right now I'm nervous, shy and flustered. I only get like this when I'm around guys. I'm great with children, even if I say so myself but that's where my talents end. After a messy divorce you can hardly blame me for being the way I am. It's like I'm two different people. The real me who's confident, happy and bubbly and the hurt me who is shy, sad and nervous.

Mikes voice brings me out of my musings "I don't have a favourite flower, but I like the colour blue." He answers my earlier question. I'd almost forgotten I'd asked anything.

"Blue, like your eyes." I comment absentmindedly. I inwardly groan, I wasn't supposed to say that aloud! It was a private thought! It's a shame my mouth no longer seems to be connected to the filter that stops me from blurting out random thoughts. I need to censor my thoughts or something.

To my surprise Mike just bursts out laughing. I look at him strangely and wrinkle my nose in confusion. Then it dawns on me, "Did I just say that aloud?"

Mike asks through laughter "Which part?"

I sigh in frustration "You tell me!"

"Nope." He grins popping the 'p' like a child. "I think I'll let you squirm with embarrassment instead." I feel my cheeks warm and I fight the blush spreading across my face. It's a loosing battle.

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