Chapter 4: An Underworldly Tour

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{This takes place right after the previous chapter, so no episodes have happened since then.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.}

     "So, what happens now?" Danny asked, looking at the glowing silver mark on his forearm. It looked like a word in Ancient Greek written vertically on his arm; unfortunately, Danny did not know Ancient Greek. Danny went to pull his glove back on, but paused as blue-white vapor poured out of Danny's mouth. My ghost sense? Why now? Why not during the weird ceremony? Or when I walked into the room? Danny complained internally.

     "What was that, Fenton-Phantom?" Hades asked.

     "It's my, umm, ghost sense, uh, Lord Hades," Danny explained nervously. "It allows me to detect when other ghosts are nearby."

     "Hmm," Hades looked unimpressed. He turned to Thanatos. "You know that you will be busy with everything you do, when will you have time to train your new apprentice?"

     "I have a plan. There is no need to worry, Lord Hades." Thanatos said confidently.

     Hades turned back to his throne, waving his hand dismissively. "As long as I do not need to deal with him, do whatever you need to, Thanatos."

     Thanatos nodded and began walking to the door; Danny followed, not risking a final look back at the Lord of the Underworld. The door opened on its own for Thanatos and Danny, and closed behind them. Thanatos started towards the entrance of the palace when a voice called out to him.

     "Thanatos! What brings you here?"

      Thanatos and Danny turned around to see a beautiful woman in a pale green and gray dress standing by the doors they had just exited. She had dark blonde hair, shimmery gold eyes like the sun shining through the clouds, and a tan like she spent all her days in sunny pastures. As the lady neared, Danny noticed that the gray of her dress was really more of an iridescent silver that shifted into different flower prints and patterns.

      "Lady Persephone," Thanatos greeted. "I am here on some official business."

      "And does this 'business' have anything to do with this lovely young man?" Persephone turned to Danny, an expectant smile on her face.

      "Yes," Thanatos answered. "Daniel is now my apprentice." He held up his arm to show Persephone a mark Danny had not noticed until now. It was silver like his own, but the characters were different.

      "Fántasma," Persephone read. She turned to Danny, smiling. "That is an interesting name."

      "It's, uh, actually Phantom, uh, Lady Persephone." Danny corrected, blushing slightly in embarrassment. Danny felt Thanatos staring at him again, but Persephone laughed.

      "I know it is, Danny. You caused quite the commotion last year." Persephone said. "I must be off now, but I expect to see you again soon, Fántasma."

      She entered the throne room, leaving Danny and his new mentor in the entrance hall. "She's nice," Danny commented.

      "Indeed, she is." Thanatos agreed, walking towards the door. "Just make sure not to get on her bad side."

      "Why? What happens then?" Danny walked beside him.

      Thanatos glanced at Danny. "Do you know the story of Sisyphus?"

      Danny shook his head. "No?"

      "Read it, and you will find your answer." Thanatos said brusquely; he seemed annoyed about the topic, so Danny let it drop for now.

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