Chapter 27: Ultimate Enemy Part 7

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We live!!! Sorry for the (very) late update, we struggled to write this chapter because fight scenes are not our strong suit.

We do not own Danny Phantom or Percy Jackson, only this story and our original characters.


     Danny turned towards the Nasty Burger, and he was relieved to see that everyone was still alive—they were strapped to a ticking time bomb, but they were still alive.

     "Don't worry," Danny assured them, meeting the gazes of each of his family and friends. "I won't turn into that. Ever. I promise."

     Then Danny noticed Mr. Lancer. Oh, yeah—he was here too, wasn't he? Danny opened his mouth to say something to the teacher—perhaps a silly quip to try and lighten the mood—but he was cut off as a rope of ectoplasm suddenly wrapped around his waist, and he was yanked backwards into the sky.

     To say that Dan looked furious would be an understatement. His hair was like a miniature inferno on top of his head, and the veins in his temples looked ready to burst. He grabbed the front of Danny's suit and yanked the younger ghost forward so that they were face to face, his red eyes glowing furiously with barely restrained rage.

     Danny glared right back. "What are you gonna do?" He taunted. "Waste me? What happens to you, then?"

     Dan scoffed, his anger seeming to lessen just slightly as he rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid. I know I can't kill you, but if a little maiming happens while we're running out the clock..." Dan smirked maliciously. "Well, I'm not opposed to having a few scars."

     Danny didn't get a chance to respond before Dan punched him and sent him flying backwards. His back slammed into a light pole with a resounding CLANG, and he crumpled onto the sidewalk.

     Danny groaned as he sat up and gingerly touched the back of his head. He would definitely be feeling that one tomorrow.

     But then another thought came to his mind, and he hurried to slip the backpack from his shoulders.

     Danny had appeared in front of his house when he finally returned to his timeline, and he'd had the idea to grab a few of his parents' inventions from the lab before he headed to the Nasty Burger. There hadn't been much lying around (most of his parents' weapons were missing, for some reason), but what he had found—the Ghost Gauntlets and the Specter Deflector—would be helpful enough. And he'd known that when it came time to fight Dan, he would need all the help he could get.

     Yet with the hit his back had just taken, Danny hoped that none of the devices had been  broken.

     The Ghost Gauntlets had fallen out of his backpack on impact, but they looked fairly undamaged. Danny grabbed them and phased into the ground just as Dan came barreling towards him.

     Underground, Danny flew forward as he pulled the Gauntlets on, and resurfaced about half a block behind Dan. The light pole where he had landed had been sliced in half and Dan was hovering over its remains, his back to Danny as he looked around. Seeing an opportunity, Danny darted towards his evil future self.

     Dan started to turn around, and Danny just barely managed to clip the belt around the ghost's waist before leaping away. The Gauntlets protected Danny from the shock of the Specter Deflector, but as for Dan... Well...

     Dan let out a pained, furious scream as green electricity erupted across his skin. Danny had hoped that the Deflector would be enough to fully incapacitate Dan, but it didn't seem to be doing much more than temporarily crippling him. Still, Danny took the chance and threw a punch.

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