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Hours later...

"When you gon come back" Diamond asked as Blu got dressed.

"Uhh....ion know. Just call me" Blu said with a small shrug. She zipped her jacket up before walking over to Diamond and kissing her.

"I love you" Blu said making Diamond say the same as she walked out the door. She went outside seeing her dad's car outside already.

"You good" Mark asked studying Blu as she got in the car. He didn't know what it was, but she looked different.

"Yea" Blu answered as he drove off.

"Oh you looking different" he said.

"Oh" she simply replied before getting on her phone. She went to text Bri to see where she was at.




You got work?

Yeah, I just said that

My bad you usually off on Wednesdays

I got called in

Otw to my PO

I hope you not high going in there

I'm not
I haven't even smoked yet

My break over

K ttyl

Bri was tryna distance herself from Blu. She didn't want to catch feelings for someone who was gonna leave soon.

"So you ever thought what you gon do when you get older" Mark asked.

"The same thing I'm doing right now" Blu said.

"This gang shit ain't gon last forever"  he said.

"I know, but I don't got shit to lose" she said making him look concerned. That's what she believed, well at least for right now.

"Thinking like that ain't gon get you know where" he said making Blu nod.

She didn't understand her dad. He put her in the environment of drugs and gangs. He was the one who showed her how to throw her hood up, how to shoot a gun, even taught her how to smoke.

Did he not expect her to use his lessons? She was just doing what she was taught.

"It's the only way I was taught to think" she said after a few minutes.

"What you say" Mark asked with confusion.

"Ian say nothing. Pull over right there" she said pointing to a Circle K.

"We gotta see yo PO, so she can help you with this GED shit. You said that's what you wanted" Mark said making Blu shrug.

"So you rather go get high on them fucking pills then get your life together? I just don't understand you" he said in disappointment before pulling over.

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