.Chapter 1.

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My Note To You All

Hello guys! this is my very first book ive ever written/ typed on Wattpad, so please be genourous to me........lol but seriously i would really appreicate it and leave comments if you like because i will read them.

Who knows maybe you guys would inspire me more and help me. But thanks. :)

.Chapter 1.

14 Years Old...

"People change, but memories don't Skyes. You maybe don't get it now but you will sooner rather than later." My friend Julius is angry again. This time, i didn't do anything. i think he's still giving me the silent treatment but i guess i win again.

"Why do you always make me talk first?" He says in a playful pout. I laugh and he smiles. "Because i like to hear your voice instead of you being mad." I hug him and he hugs me back. Julius and i have been friends since we were 5. Julius is like my brother to me because we have our own little code.

F : ight for you R : espect you ( except on XBOX 360 and PS3) I : nclude you E : ncourage you N : eed you D : aring fun S : tand by you.

For each other birthdays we would write letters to each other of or memories.

I saved myself from your wrath my ass. It was Julius' birthday and after all his gifts and best wishes, we played a game of Twister. His mother-- Laura--was spinning the little board and I was suppossed to land on the red with my right hand. Turns out we both tried to reach for it and we figured out why the game is called Twister.

" Next time you make me mad, i will win." He says with confidence " We'll see."

Both of our phones ring and we both look at each other.

Parents. Welp, time to go. We hug goodbye and recite our code as we leave.

We had so much trouble with our code because we had to figure out things that started with the first letter, but we would eventually start then give up, make jokes, and just chill. It was our routine for a while until we got it. We even wrote it on or hands cause we would forget and knock on our doors and be like," hey, do you remember our code?" then laugh.

Ahh, good times.

I walk into my house and the first thing i see shocks the hell out of me. Everything is trashed as if we just had a 6.0 earthquake. Glass broken on the floor, frames on the floor broken or cracked. Chairs fallen along with the table and the couch is across the other side of the living room. Then, out of the corner of my eye, i notice a Jack Daniels. But now that i've noticed it, i'm starting to smell it a bit.

Oh No....

" Can you look inside yourself and see what im going to do, Skyes?" I look around and find the man who scares me with just a face.

" What..do you mean?" I ask trying my hardest to stay calm.

"Oh, i don't think you should test my patience child. I know you know the answer to that question." He says as he slowly walks down a flight of stairs toward me. He takes my phone and breaks it in half. Like it was just a little twig.

"Who are you ....where's Mom?"

He chuckles then goes into laughter with tears. WTF!? What is he laughing at?

"Oh, sweet child." He stops laughing and his face changes from laughter to... blank. He slaps me across the face and tumble to the ground from the sting on my cheek.

"She's Died."

Beautiful Silence #FreshStartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin