Ch 29: Before after (2)

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4 years earlier

A month later

"Oh my God, I can't believe this, I'm going to marry that bastard, he's cunning, but it's okay, I'm even more cunning, haha" I said suddenly Marco entered. I immediately neutralized my expression

"Are you ready?" he said as he came to me, "Why are you crying?" he asked fearfully, "It's okay, it's just my hormones, oh my God I'm going to marry him, right?" I said, sobbing

"Yes, what's wrong, why are you crying?" Marco said worriedly, "You know? Yesterday two days ago, Alessandro came home with a girl, they were making out, oh my God he's such a jerk" I said and sobbed again, although I didn't care at all.

"Man, that's so fucked up, he just doesn't know how to control himself," Marco said grumbling some curse under his breath

"I don't know if I should come down or not. How am I supposed to spend the rest of my life with a guy who's always cheating?" I said and hugged Marco

"He's so stupid, please calm down Elle, I'll talk to him" Marco said, "I've fallen for him, oh my god I'm stupid" I said sobbing again

"Come on Elle, stop crying, I'll be here if he becomes a jerk, let's go down" Marco said comforting me, then he gave his arm and I took it.

Then he grumbled curses under his breath, then wiped my tears, "Let's smile," Marco said

We reached the aisle and I saw a lot of Rossi people there, they smiled at me, "I can't" suddenly Marco froze. "You can Elle, you have to be, as bad as he is, he still loves you" he said, I just nodded.

Then he led me to the preacher. Pastor? My God, I think he's the only saint here. The Pastor then started talking, and I began to be deep in thought

"Miss Ferrari?" the pastor said to me, I looked at him and at Alessandro, then Alessandro squish my hand

My mouth forming into O, "yes I do" I answered abruptly. "You may now kiss the bride" said the pastor, oh my God, this happened, happened

Alessandro took me and kissed me passionately, and I was going to throw up, and I was nauseous. I pushed Alessandro, and ran to the toilet, very nice. I threw up in the toilet, when I got out Alessandro and Marco were there

"Did you drink coffee earlier?" I asked for an excuse. "Yes, of course, why?" I then grumbled under my breath

"You know I'll get sick if I smell coffee, and now I'm embarrassed" I said to Alessandro, pouting

"I don't know, sorry?" said Alessandro confused, "Oh Luci, please bless my boss, what's wrong with you? You know she's pregnant and you don't even know about things like this? You're going to be a father, Alessandro, gosh" Marco said furiously.

"Never mind I guess he just doesn't care about us" I said angrily and walked away

"Hi uncle Dom dear" I said when I saw uncle Dom there, then Alessandro came too, "Oh hello Dominic, how are you?" said Alessandro, Uncle Dom just looking at him with a vengeful look

"Oh I'm good, very good, if it weren't for Elle, I would have killed you now" Uncle Dom said angrily

"Oh I'm so scared" Alessandro mocked Uncle Dom. I then elbowed Alessandro's stomach, "Watch your behavior my husband" I said sweetly

"Ow, can you be gentle my dear?" said Alessandro and smiled at me, then Uncle Dom and Alessandro went back to having another face-to-face contest

I left them and started looking for food, "Marco, I'm hungry, I want to eat" I said to Marco, "Alright little mommy" Marco said chuckled while shaking his head.

The next moment

I was walking with Marco and some of Rossi's men. "I wonder why this hallway is so big ?! Wooo" I said as I turned and ran

"Mrs. Rossi, don't run like that" said one of the men, "come on, can't I have a good time on this big hallway? wow look at that!" I said while looking up where there was a large clear glass above and water was flowing there. They all chuckled.

"Come on after you're out of Alessandro's office, you have to take a shower, it's already late afternoon" Marco chuckled

When we entered Alessandro's room how shocked we were to see a woman sitting half naked on Alessandro's lap, "Can you knock?" shouted Alessandro and when he saw me his eyes grew wide and the color on his face was fading

I pretended to cry and ran to the room. When I wanted to turn around and run to the room, I saw the expressions of the men being very disappointed and angry, good. I got to the room and started crying

"Elle, I'm here" Marco said as he sat on the bed and hugged me, "I'm not going to honeymoon with him, he's stupid, so stupid" I said, crying in Marco's arms.

"Shh .. shh .. he is stupid, so stupid. That man, very, very bastard right? I know" said Marco, "I've already fallen for him Marco, he's playing with me" I said, continuing to cry

"Now you sleep, I'll take care of it, when you wake up everything will be fine" Marco said and I slept, oh how very good it was when I woke up, my mind was very evil

A few hours later

I woke up, really awake. I came out of the room and saw everyone disappearing, I mean not really disappeared, it's just that the house is quiet

"Hey you !!" I called one of the men on guard outside, "Yes, Mrs. Rossi?" said the guard in shock

"Where's everyone?" I asked seriously and my hands on my hips. "They, they .. uhm uhm .." he said nervously, "where? Hurry and tell me before the ghosts eat me" I said a little angrily

"They are in the hospital, madam" he said, my eyes widened, "WHAT ?! who is sick? Was there a war while I was sleeping? Oh my God, I slept like a carcass until I heard no war" I said frantically,

"No madame, be calm, be calm, Fredrick!" he says scared and panicked and calls someone. "Yes? What is it? my gosh madam" said a man named Fredrick, they then took me into the house and sat me in the living room.

"Madame, calm down, please calm down, don't stress" he said, "You are the ones who's stressing me out, oh God tell these people if they don't tell me anything then You will curse them" I said praying to God. Their eyes widened

"They are in the hospital because the Don is poisoned, madame" "O Lord, and you just told me now ?! Take me to the hospital now! It must be that woman who poisoned him, I will kill her and feed her to the lion in my house." Their eyes widened in fear, I started to cry

"I don't want to be a widow this young, oh my god tell me he won't die, our child isn't even born yet" I said in panic as I fake cried.

"Calm down ma'am, be calm" they said and I passed out, "Oh dear God!" they said together in panic as I passed out

"Calm down ma'am, be calm" they said and I passed out, "Oh dear God!" they said together in panic as I passed out

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