Chapter One | Sweet Candy

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It took a little longer than Holland would have liked, but she was there. She was in New York. She was no longer stuck in Alabama; and free from the small-town gossip of her hometown.

She knew it wouldn't be easy. She was twenty and getting the opportunity to live on her own was bound to have some obstacles and take some getting used to.

Luck was on Holland's side as she made it out of the airport. Her sister happened to live in New York; she moved there a year ago and even helped out with Holland's plane ticket.

Holland wasn't able to move into the college dorms until tomorrow. Tonight she would be staying with her sister. Seeing the woman again kinda made Holland nervous, over the past year Holland managed to change just about everything about herself.

Mentally and physically.

The biggest change wasn't the fact she let her hair return to its natural honey blonde flare, or even her whiter smile, nope. It was her mental health and her overall self-esteem.

Knowing she got a scholarship to one of her top five picked colleges had a positive effect to say the least. Knowing she could go to a city she only had dreamt about put just a bit of confidence into her step.

It was the fresh start to the life she always wanted. After all she didn't spend all her school years studying to mess it all up now. She'd take it a year at a time and she would become the doctor she so desperately wanted to be.


She heard the familiar cheerful voice call out. To Holland's right, a woman dressed in a mint green top and black and white pants was running towards her.

Look wise the two couldn't be more opposite. Venus had soft shoulder length chocolate brown locks, flawless caramel skin, and cinnamon brown eye's that in the right lighting had a slight golden glow to them.

Holland had long honey blonde hair, stormy grey eyes, freckles laced her tan skin. Holland was about an inch taller with chubby curves she often hid under baggy clothes.

Venus pulled Holland into a tight hug as soon as she could. Holland happily hugged her back breathing in the comforting scent of pears.

"I'm so happy to see you, oh my gods. Mom said you were at the other side of the airport-so I had to rush over here when I saw you." Venus explained before helping Holland with the two bags she had.

"Wouldn't be the first time she lied about something," Holland said before she could catch herself. Luckily Venus hadn't heard her. She didn't like it when Holland mentioned the fact their mother cheated; how Holland clearly didn't share the same biological dad.

Holland never met her biological dad, not that she minded. Mark was the one who raised her as his own anyway. It just got to her sometimes that she was just some reminder of a drunken night.

"Okay, I thought you might be hungry so we can go get dinner after you settle down a little."

"Thanks again for picking me up," Holland managed out as they got into the car.

Holland wasn't sure how her sister was able to drive so well in one of the busiest cities Holland had ever seen but she did.

The autumn sun was fading away by the time they made it to Venus' apartment. Inside there were cool seafoam green walls scattered with unfinished art.

Venus was one of the best artists Holland ever seen, but she always was starting something new before giving up on the last project.

"Sorry it's kinda small, but most apartments here are I guess." Venus welcomed her inside.

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