Chapter Twenty-Two | City Vibes

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December was already rolling by quickly, it was somehow the tenth and it felt like it was still November. Ember hated when time passed too slowly, but now it seemed to be going the speed of light.

Everything seemed to be piling up on top of things as if any second it would fall and suffocate her. Work, school, and therapy all took the time she didn't want to give.

She canceled her therapy session so she could hopefully get her assignments caught up before the deadline of tomorrow. She had officially changed her major and had to switch around her new schedules.

She'd most likely have to take some of the classes online or over the summer to catch up but she was officially going to school for business management.

Oh, then she had three contracts to look over for work, all of which she was procrastinating.

Ember also hadn't talked much-if at all-since telling Holland she loved her and Ember had forgotten how exhausting it was. She had grown used to not talking and answering vocally to everyone was not on the table. For now, she was going to talk to one person at a time, someone she trusted.

In time she would be able to work past her fears and not have to write everything on her phone if someone didn't know ASL.

For now, she would do what her therapist suggested and make it a reality.

Being back at the dorm made her realize how much she missed her apartment and how she wished she was there now. Ember knew it would. No matter how much she made the dorm-like "home" it was still just a shell with things in.

And soon it would be bare and cleaned once they left.

The time off was nice and very much needed with everything that had happened recently. Like a mini-vacation.

Though being back on campus was now beginning to become overwhelming if she didn't finish up everything she had procrastinated for the last month. Getting the project done in a day instead of wisely doing the assignments in the time she should have.

Ember looked over at the glowing clock on her desk and sighed. She quietly untangled herself from Holland's arms and got up out of bed. It was still fairly early so she was careful not to wake her.

More times than not they would go back and forth with sharing a bed. It helped both of them sleep better and for some reason, Ember didn't have her usual nightmares that rudely woke her at odd hours anymore-at least most nights.

A hat was thrown over her messy morning hair-she didn't feel like brushing, a Panic! at the Disco hoodie was thrown over her crop top, and her favorite snow boots were hastily thrown on before she left for the library.

Ember didn't have time for herself to procrastinate any longer so she grabbed her things and walked to the library to get a few of her last-minute essay's done. She didn't feel like fully getting dressed so she just made it look like she didn't just roll out of bed.

Which is exactly what she did.

On the way to the library, Ember might have gotten distracted and stopped to get a hot chocolate... with two shots of espresso added.

The wintertime in New York was something she loved a lot. The way the fresh snow looked over the city or the wind blowing the branches of the few trees that were still there looked like skeletons.

It was all gorgeous even if it was cold.

Like a city winter wonderland. When she was younger she always loved the few times she was taken out of the city. Away from the loudness of it all, where the air seemed clearer, and the people were fewer.

Her Lips My Touch ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें