Chapter 17: Remembering

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Tuesday April 6 2021

I woke up pretty early the next morning Isaiah still passed out in my bed, which was to be expected teenage boys can sleep for a hundred years I swear. I went into the bathroom to check out the damage, there was a fairly decently large bruise on my neck. "Damnit!" I whispered to myself not wanting to wake anyone up.

"It's a bruise, it'll go away." I tell myself walking into the kitchen to make breakfast. While I was getting everything ready I got a text from Kenny.


hey sweetheart, I hope you're
doing well, I'm so sorry this happened
just wanted to let you know
that maniac is currently in
jail for violating the terms
of the restraining order you had
against him.

Thank you Kenny that's
good to know. Sorry
I kinda ruined filming yesterday

You didn't ruin anything!
I'm just glad your safe and okay.
I want you to take the next two
weeks off to recover.

I don't need two weeks kenny
I'm fine really! I could come
back tomorrow!

Two weeks Davina.
We have plenty of scenes we
can film that you aren't in.
Enjoy some time with your brother

Well, this sucks, but he was right I should spend some time with my brother. Maybe I can even work on some more songs. When I was done cooking I brought my plate and a plate for my brother into my room. I set his on the table next to him and just sat in my bed.

"It's so early why are yo- are those pancakes?" He asked pointing at the plate next to him. I nod my head and start laughing as he very eagerly sits up. "Pancakes, eggs AND sausage. Man what did I do to deserve such a cool sister."

"I don't know, I guess you're a pretty cool brother sometimes."

"Man my head hurts dude."

"Yeah I heard getting punched repeatedly can make it do that." He hit me in my shoulder playfully.

"So I was thinking last night. Do you ever talk to Addy?"

I let out a sigh, I miss my sister everyday and think of her everyday, "yeah sometimes at night, I'll sit outside and talk to the stars, it's kinda like talking to her."

"I really miss her, you and Holland are the best big sisters I could ask for don't get me wrong, but I just miss having three older sisters."

"Yeah I get it, you know you look the most like her. Looking at you is like looking at the boy version of her."

His eyes lit up, "really?"

"Oh yeah, that's how it's always been, Holland looks like mom, you and Addy look alike, none of us really look like dad, and I'm just"

"You look like a mix of me and Holland you liar, but what do you talk to her about?"

"Everything, you, Holland, mom and dad, music, work, boys-"

"Ah you mean Edward and Jacob."

"No," I laugh, "well maybe once."

"I knew it! You know she'd be really proud of you if she were hear, especially if you learn how to drive."

"She'd be proud of all of us, and I AM learning how to drive, Charlie and Owen have been teaching me."

We spent pretty much the rest of the day just laughing, remember Adelaide, talking about life and the future, he helped me think of titles for songs I already wrote. It was pretty great. Maybe two weeks off work won't be the worst thing in the world.


DavinaRoden4Real just posted a photo!

♥liked by Savannahleemay and 250,000 others DavinaRoden4Real: I miss you every single day but I miss you a little extra today

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liked by Savannahleemay and 250,000 others
DavinaRoden4Real: I miss you every single day but I miss you a little extra today. You were a really great big sister. Rest in Paradise

Isaiahroden: ❤️
DavinaRoden4Real: ❤️

Hollandroden: such a pretty girl, I miss her too
DavinaRoden4Real: I love you Holland

Savannahleemay: y'all really are a family just full of beautiful people, inside and out. I love you

Themadisonreyes: We missed you on set today and we love you

Owenjoyner: can I come hang out with you when I'm done filming, you're kinda my best friend or whatever
DavinaRoden4Real: I would be offended if you didn't.

Lukehemmings: I miss you lovely, call me?
DavinaRoden4Real: calling now❤️

User1013: I thought she only had one sister omg this is so sad 😭

User222: is it true you got attacked on set yesterday?
Charles_gillespie: does this look like the time or place to ask/comment something like this? Because the answer is no, no it's not.

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