Chapter Eleven

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Taking a small step towards the king, Bethany trembled.

"Do you understand why you're here?" The King's voice carried through the courtroom. The cold that drifted from his voice, wrapped it's icy fingers around her heart.

"No, Your great Highness."

"You don't, huh? Well I will inform you then." The King sat forward, intimidating Bethany. "You were caught trying to woo my son!" His voice boomed, as her breath caught in her throat. She trembled in her shoes.

What did mother say? In face of danger, in face of fear, one must have courage not to crumble. To rise above. That's what she must do.

"A lowly servant with my son?" His voice once more carried another arrow to her heart.

She gathered courage to answer. Straightening she replied, "I mean you no harm, Your Majesty, we are simply friends. That's all." The trembling she felt but a moment ago seemed quiet now.

"That better be all. My son will marry within the year, and you will watch it all happen." He gave a cruel laugh. The news spilled like ice into her tunic dress.

The smile on his face was swift to disappear, he turned abruptly to her.

"I better not see you with him ever again, is that to be understood?" Bethany watched the queen walk up to where he sat upon the throne, and whisper into his ear. Whatever the queen said made the flames in his eyes subside. Another moment of tension passed as he seemed to consider his wife's words.

"I considered throwing you out of the courts. But upon hearing such glowing reports," he said with sarcasm dripping in every syllable, looking at his wife with slight annoyance, "I won't waste my time looking for another servant. But if I see you one more time with my son, you will never see inside these gates ever again. I will make sure of that." 

Bethany bowed once more. "Thank you for the mercy you've shown me, Your Majesty." Bethany lied through her teeth. She wasn't grateful to him, rather the queen.

"You're dismissed." The king banged the staff against the marble floors and Bethany jumped. "Go." He commanded once more when she didn't move. Bethany scrambled away as fast she could, as the tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

She was out the door and walking fast when she heard someone catching up to her. "Wait, Bethany." He called after her. Bethany knew who the man was before even turning. Head butler to the prince and King, Henry.

"I don't want to talk right now." Yet he still pulled her to a stop and turned her around. Bethany looked down while she swiped at her tears in irritation. He was as close as a father figure as one could be. He knew the raw emotions in her eyes. And right now she wanted to hide them, not talk about them.

"Darling, you don't have to be cross with me. I know what happened back there. Talk to me." He was in the courtroom? Bethany became more embarrassed.

"So you saw me almost get kicked out huh? I can't believe the prince didn't do anything about it, he's the one who convinced me to get on that horse, I could've walked back, but no." She raised her chin.

Henry gave a pointed look. "Don't think you're the only one to feel the King's fury." Henry grabbed her gently by the arm and they walked as they talked. "And by the way if it wasn't for him being on that horse, you would have gotten sick. More than the prince did." Bethany looked up at him.

"He got sick?" Worry etched in her heart.

"Yes he got sick. He also got in trouble as well. You shouldn't be so cross with the prince. He stood up for you." Henry told her of how the King became enraged that Ronald said he wanted to be nothing like him. Bethany was astonished.

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