Chapter Twenty-Nine

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There was a buzz in the courtyard the day of the ceremony. Servants were huddled in small groups when Bethany stepped out into the cold morning. They were whispering to each other, their faces engrossed in the conversation. Bethany wondered who was the center of their rapt discussion.

Passing by them, she walked over to the sunroom. She discovered it yesterday while she was wandering the castle grounds late that evening. After two exhausting days of training to be a proper lady, she needed to escape.

When she opened the door, she stopped at the doorway, her eyes widening. It was far more spectacular in the glow of the morning sun. The room was top to bottom glass window panes, letting the outside in. It was filled with all sorts of plants from small trees to blooming flowers in pots.

The perfect escape.

In the center of the plant maze-like room, a small fountain stood there. A calming addition. With the sound of water, trickling from the spout, it was serene. Just what Bethany needed.

Walking over to the fountain, she put her hand under the trickle of water that flowed from the spout. Somewhere in the background she heard a door be opened.

A soft gentle voice carried through the room, breaking through the tranquil silence. "Would you like me to get you anything my lady?" Bethany pulled away from the water fountain. "Some tea? Maybe desert? A meal?"

Bethany was about to tell her no, but then her stomach rumbled. "I suppose that would be a yes. I have completely forgotten about breakfast."

"It is quite alright, I will get a meal prepared for you right away."

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Bethany said, just before she headed out.

The woman must've not been accustomed to appreciation for she paused. "Of course your highness." She said, and immediately Bethany caught the use of your highness.

So the word was out. Did everyone already know? Bethany pondered this as the woman bowed to leave. Was that what they were discussing earlier?

"I never got your name." Bethany interjected.

She became apprehensive for a moment before saying, "I'm Claudia, your highness."

Bethany neared the woman and reached for her hand, giving it a shake. "It is nice to meet you. I so appreciate everything you've done for me Claudia. And please call me Bethany." She has been so caring, so attentive to Bethany since the day she came.

It would suffice to say this was the first Royal that spoke in such a manner to Claudia. For her expression told her that much. A small smile peaked through. But once more she returned to a proper conduct. "Princess Bethany, I will go ahead and get you breakfast, will your mother be joining you?"

"No, I don't think she will."

"Very well then. Is there anything special you would like for your morning meal?"

"Just a plate of eggs, maybe some fruit."

She looked out to the yard just outside the room. The sun was hiding already, the clouds came in and she knew it would be pouring today. Bethany wondered what Ronald was up to at this moment. She had been so busy with preparations that she scarcely thought of home.

"Thanks again Claudia." She said absentmindedly and Claudia took the cue and left.

Once more she was left in the tranquil silence. She sighed, though she longed for home, she was here. And she must be ready, for today the festivities would begin.

First a royal banquet, then the next day a parade will be held. The people will be able to catch a glimpse of the royal and the next day she would be making appearances at a few more royal occasions that she was promised to attend.

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