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"Hello everyone my name is Mrs.Durreal and I will be your math teacher this year" I said with a smile.

Only two people smiled back at me, the prince and Eliza.

Tough crowd.

Not even my own son smiled at me, I guess he's still mad about this morning. ( Although I did nothing wrong )

I silently weeped in my heart, then continued, "today is only the first day so we will get to know each other, although you guys are in your second year you probably still don't know each other."

"So we will introduce ourselves, I'll start, I'm Charlotte Durreal, I have a husband and a son, and I love to teach and cook-"

Before I could finish I heard a muffled laugh.

I looked towards the source to see it was Xaviar.

I gapped, why is he laughing!?

"Got anything to say, Xaviar?" I asked crossing my arms.

Some students were shocked to see that I called him by his first name.

( A/N the reason why is because remember when they went to the palace for a ball? The queen called her son prince because this is just the rules in this society, so Charlotte should be calling him mage but she doesn't wanna 😂 )

He put his hand on his chin, "you cook well?"

"Yes, why do you ask? Don't you eat it?" I said. I just gave him lunch today!

"Oh..nothing.." he said with a smile.

I practically wanted to pull his ear in front of everyone, although my cooking wasn't the best at first and practically unedible i improved! Even Noah eats my food.

Ah, I miss him.

I coughed, "anyway who would like to go next? Any volunteers..? Oh thank you Xaviar for volunteering"

Xaviars smile wiped off his face, ha this is payback!


"You have to stand uppp"

Xaviar rolled his eyes, then stood up.

"Xaviar Durreal, I have a father and a stupid mother"

He then sat back down.

I gripped my chest and cried dramatically, why did he insult me!? I litterally didn't insult him at all!

Before I could attack him I stopped myself, I am teaching I must be professional.

I glared at Xaviar, promising to get him back later, then notincing the other students staring at me like I was crazy.

"Um, Who's next?"

No one responded, it was silent until Eliza stood up.

I smiled, of course! The protagonist comes to save the day.

"Hello, I'm Eliza, I have a mom, dad, and two sisters, and I'm originally from the sun kingdom but came here for the student exchange, I'm excited to have a nice year with you all" she bowed before sitting down

I gushed, "Thank you Eliza! So kind, I know you'll be a promising student, I hope to get a daughter as lovely as you-"

I heard a loud crack, and everyone looked towards Xaviar and his broken pen.

I need to talk to him after class......

"Um anyways who's next?"

A student with long red hair tied back and big brown eyes stood up and said "Mrs.Durreal no offense but what's the point?"

I tilted my head, "what do you mean?"

"What's the point of this? I came here to learn not to buddy up and make friends."

A few students nodded, silently agreeing with him.

I walked towards my desk and sat down, "and your name is...?"

"Malik Grand"

Ah I remember him, I think he's the son of the famous military general.

I put my hands on my chin.

"So you think this is useless?"

He nodded.

"Who else thinks this? Stand up."

Almost the whole class stood up, except for Eliza, the prince, and surprisingly Xaviar

"Hmm, well then you don't have to do it." I said with a smile.

Some students sighed, others looked at me skeptically.

"Thank you Mrs-"

"If you don't do it I won't tutor you, I'll teach, but you won't get after school help."

The students stood there shocked.

"But Mrs.Durreal, may I ask why?" Malik asked.

"No but since I'm kind I'll answer, because 1. It's my classroom and 2. I'm not wasting my extra time on students who I don't even know. If you can't take 15 seconds to introduce yourself then what's the point?"

I continued "the reason I do this is because I don't want you guys to go to school everyday only to learn, yes that's the main part but schools also supposed to be fun and enjoyable, although this may seem like a drag having friends you can spend time with and ask for help is the best part. I also want to connect on a deeper basis with you guys, not just from your title but from who you are. I want this whole class to build a trusting bond."

I felt that I made a motivational speech, but Malik said, "I don't need friends."

I perked my eyebrows up, "are you sure? Would you bet on it?"

Malik nodded

I smiled, "then if I prove to you by the end of this months that friends are important, would you take your words back?"

Malik smirked, "yes and if you lose you have to resign being a teacher."

I almost chickened out, why did he make such a high risk bet?

Though I was a bit nervous I confidently said, "alright, it's on"

How I'll convince him? I'm not sure but I'll find a way.

When you thought you posted the chapter and wondered why it had zero reads 🧍🏾‍♀️

Anyways ty for 50k! Love y'all!!

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