(6) Pleabian!

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As we sat inside of Xaviars library- oh wait I forgot to tell you.

Basically, this whole house or castle is divided into three parts. One is Xaviars palace, the other side is Erzas palace (and mine now I guess) and the middle is shared between us, and it's usually where we do family stuff, like eat (even though we barley talk during meal time) or where guest stay.

I should make that into my own palace, I mean we have no guest and all we do is eat.

"Okay child, lets get started." I said grabbing an ink feather and looking at Xaviar to ask me a question.

He just rolled his eyes and looked at Erza, "father this is useless, she's dumb, she won't know anything"

Tuh, I'll have you know I was taking college classes in my high school. So I should know a few things.



Did he really just ask me that easy question?

"What? You don't know?"

I just bursted out laughing, don't know? I know the multiplication table like the back of my hand! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

"10" I declared with confidence.

"....that's right...."

"Ha! Now bow down to your master you plebeian!" I said slamming my hand on the table.

They looked shocked, even Erza who rarely shows emotions was shocked.

"P-Plebeian?! W-Wait how did you-"

"Ha, my intelligence must've shocked you so much you stuttered, but here let me show you"

I started to explain the math to them, and they genuinely showed interest in my words, which made me happy.

In my past life I wanted to be a teacher, so this makes me want to try and be one again.

"T-This isn't over Idiot! We need to keep going until one of us gets it wrong!"

"Tuh alright....1*3" I said deciding to give him an easy question.

I wrote some things down on a piece of paper before finally saying "3"


It kept on going until we were at question fifty, I almost fell asleep at my boredom.

Even when I increased the difficulty of my questions he got it right, he's very smart for someone in this era.

I then looked over to Erza, why isn't he leaving for work? It's been over an hour, does he not have anything to do?

"What's the answer?"

Shoot, I wasn't paying attention, I was too busy thinking about Erza that I-

Wait thinking about Erza?

"Ummm, repeat the question?"

"No, should've been paying attention" Xaviar said shrugging.

I gapped at him, no you just want me to lose on purpose!

I glanced over to Erza for help but he just stared at me! So unfair!

"Um, 6?"

"AHA!" Xaviar said gleefully.

I rolled my eyes, whoopdido to you.

"I win! Don't worry, I'll take good care of you slave."

I didn't even care anymore, I just wanna take a nap.

"Of course....master" I said forcing the words out my mouth.

I got beat by a middle schooler in a moment of weakness, how pitiful.

"But still I'm impressed Charlotte...You would've never been able to solve these before." Erza said staring at me with suspicion.

"B-Because I was hiding my capabilities?" I said.

He still looked suspicious...time to change the subject!

"Oh also, I want to learn how to wield a sword."

His eyebrows raised at my question.

"You...want to wield a sword?"

"Yes, obviously, I need to protect myself since there's not a lot of maids or guards at our palace."

He was silent before answering. "Yes, but I am going to tutor you. And we start tomorrow early"

I smile before saying "okay" and then walked out the room towards the fighting hall.

I want to watch Xaviar and his sword technique, I want to see how good he really is.

I stopped when I heard voices in the hall.

"Yeah she's so obnoxious, I mean she even called Master Xaviar a pleabian, she's such a brat calling our master that"

"Such a bully to poor xaviar."

"Exactly, I heard she even tried to kill him"

Oh look an Xaviar fan club, you guys won't be saying that when he turns into a cold blooded yandere!

"What are you doing?"

I jumped in shock and turned around to see-




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