Ch. 47, The Blood Rose

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The magic pounded through me, so that I couldn't tell if it were my feet or some sort of gravity that drew me forward.

Lay down your sword Bastien.

I didn't know where the voice came from, only that at once my sword clattered to my feet.

"Bastien?" I heard Rell call out my name distantly, but I couldn't see anything but the Blood Rose, pulsing bright as a burning red sun.

I've been calling to you for a long time Bastien. You were almost too late. The voice echoed in my head, both ancient and powerful.

I barely noticed I stepped over bodies as I came closer to the rose.

How do you know who I am? I didn't speak the words aloud, but I somehow knew that she, it, whatever this thing was, would hear me.

Your blood pulses with the same magic as mine. You aren't like all the others who've come before Bastien. You know that. But you deny it, and pay for the sins of your mother. She was always so very selfish. How much longer will you endanger everyone around you? Her curse circles you, closer and closer now. You can feel it building inside you. Soon you won't be able to control it.

No... that's not true...

It is Bastien.

I paced closer, unable to blink, unable to see anything but the rose. Distantly, I thought I could hear someone calling my name. But I had come here alone— hadn't I?

I stood inches from it.

And I suddenly saw the years it had taken from me.

A small boy with a sword, chasing after his mother.

Her obsession, the way she slowly slid away, until she closed her eyes and didn't open them again.

The way she left me alone to deal with the horror, terror every full moon. Driving deep into the woods, locking myself beneath the trees, until even chains weren't strong enough to hold me. Until I began to wonder if it were me who were killing the students.

You did this to me! You cursed my mother! You cursed me! This time hate pounded through me.

Something like cruel laughter came from the rose. She had everything she needed to break the curse in front of her the whole time. As do you Bastien.

Then tell me! Tell me how to break the curse!

This time an image came to me, or maybe it was a feeling: the brush of a mother's gentle hand, Rell's eyes staring into my own, a warmth, and a terrifying feeling like flying. It took me a moment to understand.

Love? Love can break the curse? I remembered everything my mother had taught me about love. That it made you weak, vulnerable. She taught me never to trust love.

And yet love is the only thing that will save you now.

And then, I saw a blur of movement from the edge of my eyes.


She was holding my sword, but by the blade. I was so shocked to see her here, that I didn't react as she suddenly swung. Hard. Directly at my head. I barely had time to turn before it cracked hard into the side of my head.

I fell to my knees, holding my head.

"What the hell!" My head pounded, and I heard as Rell dropped the blade. She came to my side, blood running down her hands from where she'd grabbed the blade.

"I was yelling your name over and over. You were in some sort of trance. I didn't know how else to get you out." Blood ran in rivulets down her hands, where she'd grabbed the blade instead of hurting me. "Bastien, we need to wrap the rose in something, maybe your cloak. We can't touch it. It's trying to trick you, don't listen to it!"

But already her voice faded, the horrible sound of laughter all I could hear.

Make your choice Bastien. Beauty... or the Beast?

I turned to Rell, her face watching me, her eyes wide and confused shaking her head. But then I turned back to the rose, and thought of my mother, of everything she'd taught me.

You won't trick me. Not this time.

I surged forward and grabbed the rose.

"BASTIEN— NO!" Rell screamed, but her voice was cut off as the magic took hold of me, as the thorns cut dug into my flesh, the blood flowing free and surging up and into the rose.

The Beast, then. Foolish boy.

A scream echoed down the tunnels, and I realized distantly, it came from me. Rell crawled backwards, staring at me in horror, as the fur began to climb over the arms, the nails began to lengthen. No! It wasn't the full moon! I still had on more night! But already the Beast was coming upon me.

"Rell, ruuu—" But my human mouth was gone, the bones crunching and growing, the teeth lengthening and sharpening, the horror growing in me.

No! She said.. She said... but rational thought was fading, the senses, the power, the bloodlust, the hunger, rising, rising, rising, the soft smooth words slipping into my head as I fell to my knees, screaming at the pain.

I tried to warn you, came the soft voice, and then I was lost to the Beast.

My last human thought was of Rell, and the horror in her eyes.

She had finally found the Beast.

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