Ch. 40, Of Two Realms

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Lorcan and I leaned against the brick wall, a current of water coursing down from the roof separating us from the rain beyond. The colors of the world seemed faded and dark, almost as if nothing had changed and we were both back in the Dark Realm. Poxel was snuggled into the pocket of my jacket as a chipmunk. He'd been exstatic to find Lorcan here, so much so that I'd wondered why I hadn't felt the same.

And now, in the rain, I felt the same foreboding feeling I had the first moment I'd seen Lorcan standing under the fluorescent lights of the high school, as foreign and ominous as the sun shining through the Dark Realm's sky.

"Why are you here, Rell?" his voice was low, soft, and he stared ahead at the rain, as if he couldn't bear to look at me. I wondered if he was angry, or worse, disappointed. I raised my chin, and steeled my voice before I answered.

"The same reason as you— to find the Blood Rose."

"And yet the realms are opening and closing at will, creatures crossing over and the portal is no longer in my control." His breath clouded in front of him, and he suddenly turned the full weight of his dark stare to me. "How did you get through? Did the magic trick you as well?"

I hid my surprise— the magic had tricked Lorcan? I didn't know that was even possible. I suddenly wanted to squirm away. "I made a deal."

His eyes flickered, dangerous. "A deal? With whom?"

"I'd never met him before. A human. He called himself James."

"And what was his price?"

"A single petal," I said with a whisper.

Lorcan's eyes flashed, and I took a step back, afraid of what he would do. But then, after a moment, he leaned his head back and laughed. "Clever. Very clever."

I let out the breath I had been holding. "Why is it clever?"

"Asking for a single petal. It holds enormous power, but for so small a portion, it won't bestow the curse." He breathed a sigh. "I suppose what is done is done. What debt you owe, you must repay."

I nodded solemnly, a part of me hurt by the way he had separated us. I had always served my Realm, and Lorcan, faithfully, never asking for anything in return. But I had made the deal, I would take responsibility.

"I will repay my debt. But now we can find the rose, together."

When he turned to me, I was surprised by the coldness in his eyes. "And that's what you've been doing here? Diligently looking for the rose? To save your realm?"

I bristled and stood a bit taller, a sudden flare of anger growing in me.

"Of course. I have served the crown my entire life. I have given the Dark Realm all that I am." I was surprised that my voice sounded almost... bitter. Never had I held bitterness towards my service. But now I realized that was no longer true. I'd seen the glories of the Human Realm. Before I pitied their lack of magic. Now I realized the Human Realm held magic all it's own. And I wasn't so sure I wanted to give that up.

Lorcan took a step closer, and even without the Dark magic that usually coursed through him, there was danger written in every line of his body. "And that boy... He's what? Helping you?"

I didn't back down. "Yes. He gave me the idea for how to find the Beast. The night after the Halloween dance is the full moon."

But Lorcan wasn't ready to let it go. "Rell, I might be a prince, but I'm still a man. I can see the way he looks at you. He's not of your Realm— the Dark Realm. There is only one way this ends."

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