Chapter 61

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Akamai, Christopher, Caelan, Adrienne and Folisha kept running in the direction of where Squadron Bravo would be resided. No turning back now. Akamai turned to the corner and ran up the stairs. Two more floors away from Squadron Bravo.  Suddenly Akamai was met with a girl with blue hair in a side ponytail and a girl with a signature impassive expression.

"Rin! Gaela!" Akamai called out, uniting with the two. Rin Shiota immediately brightened up just as those following Akamai showed up from the stairs. "Akamai! Kami! Foli, Adri and the two random students!" Rin cheered. Caelan and Christopher shot Rin a dirty look. "I'm so happy to see you all!" Rin gave the group a big optimistic smile. "Where are the others? How's Brian, Luke and Sherry?" Akamai asked. "Don't worry Akamai, they're safe! Your two Quints, Fuze and Sakura are scouting down for Koori. Me, Gaela and Brian are backing up Bravo. We came across a bumpy road and Brian is buying time for us right now. He should be with us when he finished taking down Ved'ma."

Akamai tensed up. Ved'ma... It's either Brian or Valeska. If Akamai have fo choose, she would choose Brian. Brian could definitely win against that woman, Akamai have no need to worry at all. "Where's Threatening? What happened to Adrienne's arm?" Gaela quickly asked, stepping forth towards the Scottish-French redhead at the back. Rin's smile dropped.

Gaela held onto Adrienne arm and pulled it closer to get a better inspection. Rin quickly approached her Adrienne too, worried. Akamai mentally gulped. Adrienne's hand was gone. Instead, there was a smooth clean cut. Gaela stared at the flesh and a bit of bone sticking out. Her face immediately darkened. "This is opettaja's doing. I'm sorry Adrienne. You have my deepest condolences." "What was done is done. I'm glad I didn't die. Don't apologise to me." Adrienne clicked her tongue. "Tsk. Veikko is stronger than I've anticipated. My intuition can't go against his animal instincts."

"That b*stard deserves death," Rin snarled as she stared into Adrienne's stump for a hand, hoping it to grow back somehow, "I will kill him." "He is now dead. Threatening killed him." Akamai replied quickly, "some of us may join him when we look around this campus." Not picking up the double meaning behind Akamai's words, Rin and Gaela nodded.

"We have no time for a f*cken reunion you stupid sh*theads. We need to assist Squadron Bravo," Kami quickly butted in with her arms crossed, growling. Deciding Kami was right, Akamai and Rin shared a nod. Together, they ran up a floor and another, finally reaching the floor where Squadron Bravo was on. They just have to look for them. Distant gunshots and the clashing of blades can be heard.

Akamai and Christopher just legged it. Both were sprinting faster than everyone else, on the verge of desperation to find Lait's group and the hostages. Akamai need to make sure David was safe; he was a Quintessential under her care after all. Akamai was sure Christopher was thinking of the same thing, except his interest in David was romantic. After turning a corner, Akamai stopped.

At the end of the long corridor hall ahead was a group hiding around the corner for dear life. Distant clinking and gunshots echoed around. Akamai's red eyes landed on the Justice duo. "Justus! Sabrina!" Akamai screamed as she quickly rushed to the duo. She got onto her knees and held both of the Quintessential's hands into her own. They were unconscious it seems.... But alive.

A braided lavender-haired girl quickly stepped away from them, looking away sheepishly. "They are shot in the stomach and leg... I-I did what I can to save them.... I'm sorry, medical treatment isn't really my forte..." The girl muttered. Akamai looked at her and shot her a small smile. "You are TRAXX's neurologist... Shauna is it? Thank you for looking after these two." "O-Of course! You're welcome!" Gaela, Adrienne, Rin, Kami, Christopher and Caelan finally arrived at the scene.

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