「 Chapter 4 」

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"I am not a werewolf."


Nathan blinked in incredulity. "What?"

The Alpha leaned closer, repeating the assertion. "I am not a werewolf."

"What are you talking about? I've seen you shift, and I can smell-" Nathan paused to sniff the air. "Yes, you smell like a wolf."

"I am a wolf. Just not a werewolf."

"What does that even mean?"

"I'm a direwolf." He watched as Nathan's mouth slowly dropped open.

"A d-direwolf? No way! They went extinct thousands of years ago-"

"No, there's still a few of us left. In order to keep our species alive, the Moon Goddess has not only increased our strength, but has paired us with humans, unlike werewolves. We have the ability to turn our human mates into direwolves, though it rarely works. Humans are so weak, they typically end up dying during their transformation."

The thought of his little sister dying made Nathan's muscles rigid. He knew that she was weaker than most humans, meaning if she were to transform, she certainly would not survive.

"You're not turning her into a wolf. Stay away from her," He spoke through gritted teeth. He did not care how powerful the man in front of him was, he was going to protect his sister no matter what.

The Alpha leaned back into his chair nonchalantly."I have no desire to transform her, I think she's quite cute as a human. But... I can't say I'll stay away from her. I believe she's quite fond of me as well."

Nathan sniggered. "She's nice to everyone, don't think you're getting special treatment. No offence, but I highly doubt she's interested in you. Humans can not feel the mate-bond, you have to make her fall in love with you."

"Make her fall in love? How would I do that?"

"I don't know, talk to her, buy her gifts, impress her... Wait- Why am I helping you woo my sister?"

The Alpha thought for a bit, ignoring the last part of his sentence. "I'm one of the strongest Alphas in the world. Is that not impressive enough?"

"She doesn't care much about strength. Believe it or not, she has actually never heard of you before. I guess that's a good thing, because if she knew how many men you've killed, she would never be able to love you," Nathan commented, briefly making the Alpha's eyes widen.

"Well, make sure you don't tell her about that then. If she doesn't care about strength, how am I supposed to impress her?"

"I guess be kind and thoughtful-"

"You have to be kidding me. Kind and thoughtful?"

Nathan threw his head in laughter. "Yeah, you're the complete opposite of someone she'd fall in love with. I really suggest you leave her alone and go find another human-"

A loud growl interrupted him.

"She's destined to be mine, do not try to keep us apart. I'll kill anyone who comes between us, even if it's you, understood?" The young man felt his blood freeze as Alpha Blade's threatening stare pierced through his skull.

"... Yes, Alpha."

"Good. Now, tell me, what kind of gifts should I buy her?"

Nathan let out a breath as the tension left the air. "I don't know, flowers maybe? She's really not a materialistic person, anything would make her happy."

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