「 Chapter 14 」

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"Why are you here?"

He could feel her trembling as he stared into her ocean eyes. Those same eyes that previously looked at him with love were now filled with nothing but fear. He glanced down at the cat in her arms, then back at her face.

His jaw clenched in anger. She had disobeyed him three times this night; going outside without his permission, bringing that damn cat in his house, and coming down to the basement.

Madeline hesitantly opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She was far too terrified. Was this really who Matthew was? He hid he fact that he was a direwolf, he hid the fact that he was a cruel torturer who kept men chained up in his basement, what other secrets is he keeping from her?

"Answer me." His gaze was menacing. She began scolding herself for coming down here. "You should've just stayed in bed, you idiot. Everything would've been fine."

"I-I was- Well I heard v-voices down here so I-"

"Did I not make it clear? Under no circumstances were you allowed to come here." She could feel tears brimming her eyes as he chastised her. "And you also brought that cat in, knowing I had forbidden that as well. You're being very disobedient tonight, aren't you?"

"Now you'll see how merciless he is. He'll beat you black and blue-"

"Shut up," Matthew growled, turning to his captives. He let go of her shoulders and strode towards the cells.

Halfway, he halts, turning back to glance at the young girl.

"Get up in the bedroom, now. I'll deal with you later." His voice was calm, but threatening. He was trying his best not to let his anger out on her.

Madeline immediately made a run to the staircase, her heart thundering.

"Run away while you can, he's going to kill you!" One of the men shouted, before a vicious growl was heard in retaliation, no doubt Matthew's.

Without stopping, she bolted up the two flights of stairs, shoving the bedroom door open. Once inside, she leaned her back against it, panting from exhaustion and panic."You are so dead Maddie."

Her attention turned to the cat in her arms.

"I have to hide you," She whispered, scurrying around frantically to find good hiding spot. "The closet? No... The bathroom? Bad idea..."

Her eyes lingered on a door near the window; it was the balcony. It took a great amount of effort from her frail arms to open the door, but she finally managed, stumbling outside as it briskly unlatched.

"Just stay out here, alright Mittens? I don't think he'll find you-" She gasped when the cat squeezed through the railing, jumping off the balcony. "Mittens!" Madeline ran to the edge, climbing the railing and leaning forward dangerously to look for him. Relief washed over her when she saw that he landed safely on all fours. "Thank goodness."

"What are you doing?"

Matthew's voice startled her, making her lose her balance. With a shriek, her hands slipped off the railing and she felt herself stumbling off the edge, falling head-first to the ground. Her eyelids shut tightly, bracing herself for the impact, but it never came.

Reluctantly, she opened her eyes to see that she hadn't fallen off. She was suspending upside down, with Matthew's strong arms holding her waist tightly, preventing her from plummeting to the earth. Looking up, she was appalled to see her nightgown had bunched up around her hips, exposing everything underneath to his eyes.

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