Chapter 7: Being bought out.

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(No POV)

Ethan went inside Darian's office to begin the meeting but the two men were having different feelings. Darian was very upset with Ethan cause he was in the same store as his employee Y/N was and was thinking about the worse possible outcomes about it. Meanwhile Ethan still had Y/N on his mind and his heart slowly was warming up to the man and was coming up with a plan to obtain his services fast.

Darian- Welcome Ethan.

Ethan- Why hello Darian. Sorry I was late but I just had to visit one of your stores to make sure that......the goods were handled safe and sound.

Darian- Its. Perfectly. Alright. 

Ethan- Say, you seem a bit tense Darian. Whats wrong with you today?

Darian- Oh its nothing really. I just really had a long day thats all.

Ethan- Well, hope you feel better soon man.

While the two interactions seems normal, in actuality Darian knows that Ethan is happy about something as he knows that Ethan is not this warm and caring much, he is rather cold and bit rude in his words so thats why him acting not himself was rather concerning. But Darian knew only one thing for sure....Ethan better not get close to his Y/N or else stuff would happen.

Darian- Shall we start?

Ethan- Yes.~


(Ethan's POV)

After that long meeting, I went to Darian's secretary Ava to ask for a phone number.

Ethan- Excuse me Ava?

Ava- Yes Mr.Ethan, how may I help?

Ethan- Do you happen to have the phone number of the store manager at the Walmart store 509?

Ava- Yes I do sir, if you don't mind me asking why you would request it sir.

Ethan- Oh, just networking purposes in case the store manager and I were to have any issues that need to be resolved or something like that. I would like to have his number so I can get these alerts more easier if you know what I mean.

Ava- Ok sir, then I'll get to right away sir one moment please. 

While Ava went to her file cabinets, I was going over what to do next once I call the manager and the price I'm gonna pay him to obtain Y/N. A little later, Ava came back with the paper containing the number place the store information too. A little bonus added I suppose, now to go back home and begin the next step of obtaining my future employee. 

Ethan- Thank you Ms.Ava.

Ava- Certainly sir, have a nice evening.

I nodded and was heading home to begin.

Ethan- By tomorrow evening, you should no longer be a Walmart employee and now will be titled 'Amazon warehouse team member'.~

(Timeskip, 3 hours later)

(Y/N's POV)

I was heading back to the apartments after a busy day of work today and was going to get out another bowl of cereal and watch some WandaVision to relax. But then, I got a text notification from Darian and I wished that I could read the text but I must drive home safe so it can wait for a little bit more. But the texts was coming in nonstop and I was very confused as to why he was sending so much. Was there trouble back at the store he needs help with or what else? I parked in the garages and when I got off the car, Darian was now calling me which I answered it and he immediately asked me question?

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