Chapter 8: "Laid off".

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(Y/N's POV)

I left Luca's office feeling all shocked to learn that I have been laid off from Walmart so quickly but only to go to Amazon already. It hasn't been even a full month yet and yet this is happening, I just stopped at the McDonald's they have here and ordered a large soda to take back to the apartment so I can cheer myself up at least for a little bit. I got out of the store and and arrived to my car and went on my way back but not long of getting on the road.

*Ring Ring*....Call from Rachel.

Rachel was calling probably to ask me where I am, so stopping at the red light I answered the call.

Rachel- *Y/N?! Dude, where are you? Your shift started about 30 minutes ago!*

Y/N- Rachel look, I'm not gonna be able to show up for this shift today.

Rachel- *Why the hell not man?*

Y/N- Because I technically not fired.

Rachel- *What?!* *What did you do?*

Y/N- Nothing, its just that Lucas told me in his office that I was laid off in a way and now I'm switching over to Amazon now. 

Rachel- *Really?!* * isn't even time for you to go there right?*

Y/N- Thats the exact same thought I had, but Lucas wouldn't even tell me why in the first place no matter how much I asked.

Rachel- *Well that fucking sucks bro. Do you want to talk about it more later and maybe when I get out of work, we can go to a coffee shop or something. It will be my treat.*

Y/N- Sure that would be wonderful, thanks.

Rachel- *No prob, Oop I gotta go before Lucas catches me not doing my job. I'll see you later Y/N.*

Y/N- Ok, see you this evening.

Call end......

I continued my way back feeling much better that I'll have a friend to talk to about this but the feeling I had in my gut told me one thing.

"How will Darian react to this news?"

(Darian's POV)

I went inside the store trying to find my Y/N so I can admire him and also ask him if he would like to come over to my house to hang out some more. But....I didn't see him in the registers, the grocery aisles, the clothing area or the gardening area. I cant find him anywhere in the store even though I told the manager Lucas to put him in specific areas each day of the month. This is making me mad already, so I angrily walked over to his office and harshly knocked on his door before I heard him walking to the door in a scared fashion...good he should be scared.

Lucas- O-oh hello s-sir, how are y-

Darian- Cut the idle chat and tell me where is Mr Y/N.

Lucas- Is there a problem with him or-

Darian- That is not any of your tell me where he is before I have to do something drastic. 

Lucas- W-w-w-well, he got......transferred to........uhhhh...

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and faced him dead in his eyes.

Darian- WHERE?!?

Lucas- Amazon sir! He got transferred to Amazon by Ethan himself!

I dropped Lucas down and I dropped to me knees feeling shocked and saddened by this terrible news. 

Darian's mind- Y/N....Y/N IS NOW NOT IN MY GRASPS ANYMORE AND ITS THANKS TO THAT BASTARD ETHAN!! HE WILL ANSWER TO ME AND I WILL HAVE TO GET Y/N BACK AT ANY COSTS!!! But first....I need to deal this useless manager who didn't stop this from happening.

Our darling employee~(Yandere Various CEO harem x Male worker reader.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat