Dressing Down

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"I am sure that you recognize most of the faces that you see within these ranks, Raikage, Tsuchikage. There are others still that you would not recognize because they have risen to prominence under my reign as Otokage. There are other members that will be transferring to other villages now that your threat has made itself known."

From the back of the ranks two men came forth. "The agreement made was that they would help in our fight against our unknown enemy as long as they could return to their previous villages after it was over. They had my word, and I intend to keep it. Rasa, Yagura, you may return to your villages under no penalty from leaving my own. You have served honorably and your records will state such when transferred to your reigning Kages."

Gaara and Mei looked shocked, if not happy.

"You didn't know about this?" Ay asked, genuinely curious.

Gaara turned cold eyes to the bigger man. "Sakura does what she will. Often those around her don't find out about it until after the fact. She was sending over the antidotes for poisons that we had never before thought there was an antidote for. It wasn't until I walked in on Sasori actually formulating the antidotes one day that I realized that she had him making antidotes to his own poisons for us."

There was a suspicious sound from Rasa that sounded vaguely like a laugh covered by a cough.

"Mmm. She did not tell Mist that she was diverting resources from her own to help us until months after our alliance was solidified. She was also having Choujuro train with Kisame and Zabuza without anyone in Mist realizing what was going on."

"If they are allowed to go back to their villages then why are the past Hokages not allowed?" The question came from a clearly oblivious chunin.

Sakura smirked. "They didn't want to."

"That's outrageous! Of course they would want to come back to their village!" This time it was an old lady that had been cowering in one of the buildings that had been destroyed. Apparently she didn't think evacuating was necessary.

Sakura opened her mouth to say something truly viscous but Shisui flickered to her side and slapped a hand over her mouth. "No international incidents, remember sweetheart?"

The mischievous smirk he sent her did things to her that she would never admit. His eyes flicked to something behind her and she turned to see what was happening.

And promptly found a shit eating grin on her face as she saw Minato stalking through the ranks with the two other previous Hokages and two very angry redheads on their heels.

They may have once been this village's leaders, but first and foremost they were shinobi, and that meant they dealt heavily in scare tactics.

The people of Konoha were ready to shit their pants.

"I'll tell you why we aren't coming back," Minato said, a viscious smile cutting across his face. "I'm not coming back because this godforsaken village because you've all forgotten how to treat your shinobi. You've forgotten what Hashirama and Tobirama spent their lives trying to build on. Team before everything. Do you realize the depths of hell you sent your two strongest shinobi too? Do you realize that one tried to take their life because the lack of help and understanding was unbearable? Do you realize that you have been mistreating and beating down the very people that could have stopped this before it started?"

"What are you talking about?" one of the younger jounin asked.

"He is talking about the fact that you let Danzo ostracize the Uchiha, steal their eyes. Danzo stole Shisui Uchiha's eye and the only way that Shisui knew to not cause problems between the village and his own clan was to commit suicide. He is only here today because Orochimaru was there to witness the treachery. You then beat, refused service to, starved, denied an education to, and nearly killed the one boy that was keeping the kyuubi at bay. Who just so happens to be Minato and Kushina's son! You all sicken me. That Sakura managed to become the leader she has is astounding after seeing what this village has become." Tobirama looked nearly feral in his rage.

"You hate Uchiha's!"

"Oh for the love of-" Tobirama was done. So done.

For their part, Shisui and Obito were nearly on their asses from laughing at Tobirama's Done With This Shit Face.

"You do realize that his soulmate was an Uchiha, right?" Itachi inquired.

Genma very nearly fell from his perch on the roof. He hadn't seen the last of the Uchiha trio arrive, and the question threw him for a loop.

Shisui and Obito completely lost it at this point. The reaction was too much.

"The fact that none of you thought to question anything you were told about my brother or about the jinchuuriki tells us all that we need to know about what this village has become. We have always taken care of our jinchuuriki, protected them, and you spit in the face of their sacrifice."

"They're dangerous!"

"You've been standing here talking to four jinchuuriki, two of which are highly emotional and one that has been confined in the bowels of ROOT for the better part of 20 years being abused by Danzo, for quite a while now. And on top of that there are three former jinchuuriki here too. Please explain to us just how dangerous we are to everyone around us."

Sakura's smile could freeze hell.

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