Sasori (Part One)

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Sasori arrived in Oto a couple weeks later.

When he got to the village, his first stop was the Tower.

He arrived just as some sort of meeting was starting.

"Team One is ready for handoff, Sakura-chan," the First Hokage stated.

"Team Two, ready for handoff," the Nidaime said.

"Team Three, ready for handoff," Obito stated.

"Team Four, ready for handoff," the Fourth said.

"Team Five, also ready for handoff," Shisui Uchiha stated.

Sakura nodded. "Alright. Team one is to go to Akira. Team two, Azumi, Team three, Daisuke, Team four, Gin, and Team five will go to Haru. There are nine teams graduating tomorrow. Hashirama, Tobirama, Minato, Obito, and Shisui, did you feel rushed in your teaching?"

The five men shook their heads. "We could even go down to cycling a team every three months."

Sakura nodded. "With this next group, I want you to start on three months rotations. Some teams will make the cutoff for the exams, others will be held back until the next, depending how well they did with the five of you. These graduates will not have the opportunity to take the exams until the next cycle, as you will only have them for two months before the exams. This gives you time to train them properly, and then take on another team. If all goes well, those two groups will go to the next exams."

They nodded. She turned to the other people, whom Sasori assumed were other senseis. "Do not feel the need to push your own teams as I am having these five push theirs. I am trying to get as many teams trained by them as possible. It gives us a fighting chance at the exams, and a leg up. Don't be strangers to the other senseis. All of you are moving toward the same goal. Do not feel afraid to ask others for help. Deidara and Kisame also offer specialized training so feel free to utilize everyone. The Hokages are here as a source of knowledge, to help us. We have a lot of very powerful men and women here with us. Use that. Sasori has just joined us, and I am sure that he could give all sorts of training on poison and puppeteers, if you ask nicely enough. Now, all of you get to work. Nine of you have new teams tomorrow."

The meeting dispersed, leaving Sakura, the five special senseis, two Hyuugas and a Nara, and a tall, pale man.

"Sasori, nice of you to join us. What do you need?"

"Well, I would appreciate it if you didn't pawn me off to the highest bidder, brat."

Sakura only smiled. "You're a wealth of information. It would be wrong not to utilize it."

Sasori rolled his eyes. "If there is interest in either of my fields, feel free to send them my way, brat."

"Well that's good, because I have to Fuma genin that have taken an interest in puppetry, and a couple very promising genin that could prove to be fantastic with poisons."

Sasori sighed. "Fine. Is there a lab or something similar that I can set up as I see fit?"

"Yes. Tobirama can take you. He has his own lab for jutsu creation, and I'm sure he would be willing to show you an unused laboratory to use."

The Nidaime nodded.

"Are you still rebuilding your puppet army that I destroyed, Puppet Boy?" Sakura asked, a smirk firmly planted on her face.

Sasori scowled at her. "Well, since you destroyed all of them, including the Third Kazekage, and it took me years to make all of them, yes. Yes I am, you little brat."

Sakura grinned. "You're going to love me, Sasori-san," she said, before someone burst into the room through the door behind him. It was Hidan, wearing a decidedly very un-Hidan uniform.

It actually covered everything.

Before Sasori could rip into the young immortal, he took note of the shit eating grin on his face. Well, this couldn't be anything more interesting. Sasori raised an eyebrow.

"Puppet Fetish! Been a while!"

"Shut up, Hidan," Sasori snapped.

Hidan turned to Sakura. "The last guy held up pretty well. He also has an interesting Kekkei Genkai, made all of his limbs stretchy and weird," Hidan explained.

"Did you get the information?"

Hidan nodded. "Paid by some small country to take out the new Otokage, as they consider you a threat."

Sakura snorted. "Of course, they did."

Then she turned to Sasori. "How would you like access to any body that goes through T&I?"

Sasori's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. "What?"

Sakura nodded. "I don't see a point in letting the bodies go to waste, especially if they have valuable abilities. No better person to give them to than you, besides maybe Orochimaru, so that he can dissect them."

Sasori thought about it. This must be how she was getting the other members to stay on as her own shinobi. She offers opportunities that are hard to pass up, especially if she is sanctioning the furthering of his puppet army.

"What did you offer the other members?" Sasori asked, curious.

"Well, Obito wanted to belong to a village again, and considering that mine has his old sensei and his cousin, he thought that it would be best. He is a genin sensei now. I gave Deidara free reign to use his clay, as long as it was furthering the village in some way, and he chose to take the opportunity I gave him as an evasion trainer. He also makes fireworks in his free time. Kisame was given the opportunity to train the genin in Kenjutsu, as well as further his training as a medic. He's the head of the Emergency Division of the hospital now. And Hidan can probably tell you himself, but I gave him free reign to do his rituals as long as he did so on captured shinobi and got the information we wanted first."

Sasori deadpanned. "You're serious?"

Sakura nodded, and the others in the room did the same. "You'll find that Sakura doesn't joke about things that affect the village. Ask Hidan or Kisame what they walked in on when they first arrived," the Nara said.

He turned to Hidan, who had a grin on his face again. "Believe me, Puppet Fetish, this is a place you'll want to stay. I walked into the office on my first day to see some guy being pinned down by the Nara Bitch and the younger Uchiha. And I mean, Nara was holding him down with shadows speared through his wrists. Then Sakura told me that I could do as I wanted as long as I got the information they wanted, and that was my first interrogation."

Sasori looked at the gathering, shocked. "I didn't know you had it in you, brat. You always seemed to exemplify the soft teachings of Konoha."

Sakura smirked. "Believe me, the teachings weren't meant to be soft. These three," and she gestured to the three Hokages, "Gave Hiruzen the beat down of his life, when they found out how soft the village they had built and fought for, had gone soft. I think you will like the way that these three do things. Hiruzen prefers to stick to the academy and train the new students, but that doesn't mean that he's a push over, by a long shot. Once they beat some sense into him, he took to the new policies like a fish to water. He seems to enjoy making the students cry."

Sasori's mouth popped open. "What the hell are you people?"

"Human. Just not the type that most people mess with," the male Hyuuga explained with a smirk.

"Kami, help me, but I'll take the offer. I will tell you in three weeks if I want to stay or not."

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