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Chapter- 29


Anna's POV

My head is aching. I hear voices distantly, talking. I open my eyes slowly and the first thing I see is a pair of legs. My blurry vision cleared as I look up to see to whom those legs belong. That person is sitting in a chair talking to someone standing beside him. Is time seems as though he is giving orders, but I don't understand what exactly.

I look around trying to figure out where I am. I see iron bars and around me. It looks like a dungeon. It's dark.

Where am I? Where is Bane?

Then I remember what happened before I passed out. My head is hurting as I remember what happened.


My eyes widen immediately. He drugged me which caused me to pass out. Where did he bring me? What is this place?

I try to sit up, but I hear the sound of chains as I move. I look down at my hands and they are chained. So are my legs. Panic fills my heart immediately. I blink a few times to get a better vision.

"Finally up, huh?" I hear the voice. Looking up I see it is from the person sitting in the chair. My heart starts beating rapidly over I see who it is. It's Drake. The Rogue leader. There is only one thing I can think of. How did I end up here? "Tame down that heart, will you? I can hear it. We can hear it." I look around as he says that. There are five more others. The same ones that I saw on the battleground standing behind him. "I can hear how scared you are."

Scared? My anger raised as I hear him say that. I am a warrior. I am not supposed to be scared of death. He is boring compared to it. I am not scared. I am just shocked at the turn of events.

If I am here, where is Alika then? Is she still with James? Is she safe? Bane must be looking everywhere for me by now. It will not be too long before he finds me. I will wait for him.

"Stand up." Drake orders. I look at him like he lost his mind. If he thinks I will follow his commands, then he surely did lose his mind. "I said," he gets up and walks closer to me. I sit there as if I did not hear him. Then I feel a sudden pain as he yanks me by my hair to make me look at him."Stand. Up!" He yells on my face.

"Fuck. You!"

My response angers him and he flungs his hand before it hits my cheek. I fall down. He did hit hard. I feel dizzy for a moment, but I dare not show any signs of pain. I am not going to. "I know how to tame Bitches like you!" His voice is more sinister.

I don't say anything. Anything I say will only trigger him. I don't know where I am. I don't know what kind of situation I am in. I should be careful.

"Alika, that sweet doll of mine... She was stubborn too." His lips quirk up and all I want to do is punch him till he bleeds. "But you saw her that day in the battleground." I grit my teeth and stay silent. Her face flashes in my mind. No one should face that kind of situation. No one. "Now stand up!" He commands again. In your dreams. I still do not obey him.

He orders his men to grab me. Two of his men move to either side of me to make me stand. I struggle to get out of their hold knowing that it's not going to help, but I am not going to stop fighting. The smell of blood and rogues increase as they come beside me. I am finally on my feet or rather made to stand up.

Drake raises an eye brow with an arrogant look.

Oh you think you won? You wait bitch!

I turn to my right and head kick the guy holding my hand and before the left man had the time to attack, I lift my leg and kick him to the nuts. He groans in pain. My hands and legs are tied with chains in a way that allows me to move a little and they can't stop me. My head hurts a little due to the head kick, but it's totally worth it.

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