Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

-In The Dungeons

Bane's POV

My fist hit the concrete wall hard leaving a hole in the wall. My groan of frustration came out loud. I can't seem to be able to control my wolf. He is as angry as I am. He didn't like that our mate is attacked, even if it's by a close friend.

"Alpha, he is ready to be interrogated", my Beta announced. After sending Anna away James and his men were brought to dungeons. I would have killed there easily, but I knew he is not a kind of person who would attack on someone else's mate. If this is happening, I am sure something big is happening.

My footsteps hard against the floor as I quickly walked to the room, he is in. I opened the door with a bang and there he is. James. My old friend. My sister's mate. My sister, Alika.

"Good to see you old friend!". His voice loud, clear and cheerful with sarcasm. An evil smile on his face. Anger tore through me as I want to peel his skin off. I controlled myself as we need information from him.

"Why did you attack Anna?". My voice low with anger.

"No how are you?", he asked. My look hard as steel on him. "Damn! I thought, since we were friends once, you would treat me with respect at least".

"Cut the chase, James! I want answers! Now!". He is making me angry. Slowly the evil smile on his face disappears which gets replaced with anger.

"So, much anger from the brother who killed his own sister", he sneers. That got me.

I still remember the old days where we were just friends. Me, Alika and James. James never knew who was his mate, but him and Alika were always close. Only after Alika turned sixteen did he realize that she was his mate. She being the only family that's left to me, I loved her very much. I thought everything was going good till not remained.

"What? Now words? Of course, what can I expect from a man who killed his ow-".

"I am not the one who killed my sister! You know it too James!". My shouts can he heard outside the dungeon, but I don't care.

"But you were responsible for her death". His teeth gritts together as he sneers at me again.

"Do you really think, I would allow myself to be responsible for her death?! I don't know who fed those things to you, but you need to come out of those!"

"Well you didn't do anything to save her".

"Only you think so. You deep down I tried and did everything!". My voice low again. "Why are you after Anna?". I need answers. He can't get out of here without giving them to me.

"I want to take revenge on you by killing her. I want to take away what you took away from me". I just stare at him. He is lying. I know he is lying.

"I want the truth James, not some cock and bull story".

"It's the truth-".

"I am going to ask you one last time again. I know you are not the kind of person who takes revenge by killing a mate of another. Even if you pretend you don't believe in me, I believe in you. Now tell me. Why did you attack Anna? I want truth this time". He didn't answer but just keeps looking down. "You know that you are not going out without giving me answers".

He looks around and then down. A sigh leaves his lips as he looks up at me. Determined and apologizing eyes looking at me. For a minute my emotions came out almost before I turn them back in and hid them inside. If it want any other situation, I would have saved him instead of tying him to chair like that. But I can't be smooth now. It's a matter about Anna.

If anything happens to Anna, there will be no reason for me to live anymore. There will be no one left for me. She is ray of light, the only hope left for me in the darkness.

"Alika is alive". His words almost came out as a whisper. My fist lands on his cheek and his head turns to right due to the force of my fist. Nlood oozed out of his mouth. This time I was not able to control myself. How dare he tell me a lie like that?! How dare he?! He has gone too far.

"I said I want truth James!".

"This is the truth!". He shouted right back as shouted at him. "If you don't have the guts to face it then, fuck off!". his voice very serious. I know he is not lying. I can see the sincerity in his eyes. My heart stopped.

She is alive? My sister is Alive? Alika! I still can't beleve it.

"You are lying! If she is alive, she would have contacted me!".

"Well, she can't because she is lying in the dungeons of the rogues". A loud groan comes out of my lips again.

"Don't beat around the bush. Just tell me what it is?!". His face turns hard. His gaze piercing.

"A few weeks ago, I got a message from rogues that Alika is alive. But I didn't believe them. How can I, when we both saw he dead?". He pauses looking at me. I took a breath in remembering it. I can never forget it. It was the day I wanted to kill myself. "But I know deep down inside that she is alive. I just thought she died".

"Come to the point".

"I didn't feel her soul leaving her body. Yes, I did feel this enormous pain when we thought she died, but she didn't. I put a spy in the rogues. He reached down the dungeons and saw her. She is alive.... barely". His eyes became glassy. I feel shocked. As though someone had hit me from the back or as if someone pulled out my heart to let it bleed.

"They can only give us Alika back if....", he trails off making me more impatient.

"If what?".

"If I give them Anna". He looks at me in the end. FUCK!!!

I don;t know what to say. I cant give up Anna. Never! That's not a question.

"That's why I attacked her". His confession angers me.

"As soon as you know that she is alive you should have contacted me! Not attack on my mate! Fuck! Fuck, fuck, FUCK!". I pause. "So you were the one that attacked her two times before today?".

"No. Only once in the woods. I didn't come myself that day. It was some of my pack members and rouges".

"So, you were not the one who tried to kill her in public?". My doubts need to be clarified.

"I don't know what you are talking about". His voice serious. I believe him. "I just want to say that....", he pasuses as he looks up at me. "I am going to bring my mate back. Even if it means, taking away yours". His deathly look matched mine.

My wolf took over at that point and my shorts ripped off as I try to attack him, only to be stopped by my Beta and Gamma.

My arms went around my mate as I pulled her close to me. I want her near me. No! I need her near me. Sniffing her scent calmed me and my wolf down. He has been on the edge all day. He wants to hold her and for sometime I partially gave him control before pulling him back.

My face is in her neck and her fingers are in my hair as she ran them through my hair drawing soft circles on my scalp with her fingertips.

"Bane", her voice of whisper reached me calming me down.

"Anna". I need to say her name. I want to assure myself that she is still safe in my arms. The truth that sister is alive is still shocking and eating me alive casue I am not able to do anything about it. But I am going to do anything that will bring her back. She is the only blood relation that is left for me and I am never going to give up on her. My little sister.

But I am not going to make Anna a prey for that. I am not going to put her life on the line for that. My lips presses against her forehead as they linger there for a moment. I love you, my Anna.

I am going to get my sister back!


Hey my cute dumplings!

I hope you guys like the chapter. So, I updated the chapter soon! Don't you guys love Bane? Please comment on what you think. It really helps.

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