page nineteen;

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"Nicolette?" My shoulders shook. Irina was seated beside me in Nicolas's room. He still had not woken up yet but the doctors seemed to be doing everything in their powers to allow him to recover quickly.

"Yeah?" I was still half asleep from staying up all night watching over Nicolas. She had a brown paper bag in her hands. The bottom of the bag was greasy so I knew she had some type of fast food in there.

"I brought you lunch" she pulled up the bag in my face. "It's a burrito bowl, I don't know if you like those, I know their my favorite."

I smiled at her kind gestures. "You've been a real friend these past few days, thank you so much irina" there was a heavy knock on the door and I assumed it was just the doctor.

Irina handed me the bag and walked towards the door to open it. I smelled the greasy Spanish food. It was delicious and I was definitely hungry, considering the fact that I had not eaten since last night.

"Cristiano-" my eyes shot up at Cristiano's name coming out of irinas mouth, Cristiano rushed past irina and straight to the other side of Nicolas's bed taking his hands into his own.

"Nicolette, how'd this happen?" He looked up. His eyes seemed glossy and puffy. His hair wasn't in its neat usual gel like self. And he just looked a mess.

"I don't know cristiano, I found him I'm his room totally unconscious." I shook my head. "The doctors said he's consumed a big amount of goat cheese."

"I'll leave you guys alone." Irina smiled opening the door again and walking living Cristiano and I alone in the room with Nicolas.

"How could you let this happen?" He hissed at me.

My eyes widened. "Whoa cris, this wasn't my fault. I didn't know he had ate it, I spent nearly all day with him from when we went to the park to your house."

"Then why was he around goat cheese?" He growled.

"I don't know." I shrieked.

I sat with my head down on my knee and my hands supporting it. I didn't know what happened to Nicolas and it wasn't helping that Cristiano made me feel like a bad mother.

"Has he shown any signs of waking up?" He voice was now calmer.

I shook my head. "No."

"Have you gotten any sleep?"

"Barely." I answered.

"Go back home and sleep." He said. "I'll watch him."

"No, I can't do that." I shook my head. "He's my son too and I can't just leave his side for who knows how long."

"It's okay, I'll call you as soon as anything happens, go home refresh up and we'll still be here." He reassured me. I bit the inside of my mouth, arguing in my head if I should leave him with Cristiano or not.

I finally decided on going to take a quick nap then shower and eat some real food then I'll be back within 4 hours. That would be enough time for me to get my nap and reenergize myself.


It felt like I was asleep for 5 seconds. My doorbell was repeatedly ringing and I couldn't remember who would want to come over to my house at this time or day. I opened the door not caring how reckless my hair or face looked.


I scratched my head wondering if this was a dream. There standing In front of me was my best friend in the entire world, Julie. "Omg. Julie? Your here."

"Yeah, I can't have my god son in critical condition and not be here to support him." She pulled me into a hug. "I've got loads to tell you, something so so shocking."

I led her to my living room where I sat down. "Ok go."

She sat down besides me, her body facing me. "Okay, so I've been planning to visit you for months now but when I found out about Nicolas being in the hospital I got on the next flight to Madrid. I got to the hospital around 2 and a half hours ago, and I met Cristiano again- he got cuter since the last time we saw him- well I saw him. Anyways, he said I'd just missed me you and that you went to your house- here, so I went outside to call you and guess who I saw? Irina Shayk! Cristiano's girl. I didn't want to eavesdrop on her conversation but she started saying some evil stuff like he ate the cheese and he's in a coma and Cristiano will definitely get rid of her- I'm guessing you. And I think she may have poisoned your son."



Timeless // C. RonaldoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang